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RUSH: It was a shocking, somewhat sad day for many in the music world today. And that’s the surprise death of David Bowie, who succumbed to cancer after 18 months. Many did not know that he had cancer. I have to admit there are only a couple of David Bowie songs that I like.

I was not one of these dyed-in-the-wool David Bowie fans but he had a couple of tunes I really like, and the first one is this one, ChiCom Girl. And there’s one other. No question, he was a supremely talented rock ‘n’ roll crooner. (playing China Girl) That wasn’t nine seconds, I can tell you that. You see, remember the video to this? (song continues) I first even saw this on MTV. (song continues) David Bowie. How old was he? (interruption) Sixty-nine.

My generation. I just never… The Ziggy Stardust days? I never got into it. (interruption) No, I didn’t see the movie The Man Who Fell to Earth. This is it. This and the other song. (Cut to Let’s Dance) These are the only two David Bowie things that I know. That’s it. This is Let’s Dance. These are both from the 1980s, I believe, during my absence from radio. It’s when I worked for the Kansas City Royals. (interruption) Yeah, I remember playing this. Oh, yeah. (song continues)

Anyway, what was he, about five nine and a hundred pounds? I mean, he was a string bean, but he had this amazing voice. And to people that were big in the music business, he was incredibly innovative and talented, and I wanted to acknowledge his passing. But those are the only two songs. Well, that and the Major Tom thing, “Ground control to Major Tom,” which I guess is Space Oddity, which he was. There’s no question about it.

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