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RUSH: And once again, congratulations to Mike Piazza and Ken Griffey Jr., recently elected to the baseball Hall of Fame. Now, all the years I was in New York I never went to a Mets game. I went to one Yankees game, it happened to be when the Royals were in town. I went to Yankee Stadium one time. I lived there eight years, lived there eight years back and forth, never went — well, I take it back, I take it back. I was at a Mets game, Rusty Staub invited me to a Mets game one time.

I met Piazza in Atlanta. There was a charity thing before a Braves game one night and a bunch of people were hitting wedges, hundred-yard wedges from near home plate to the outfield closest to the pin, prize, whatever. I flew up there for it, looked like it was fun. The Braves were playing the Mets that night and we’re all standing behind home plate right up against the backstop. Mike Piazza came over, introduced himself to me and said, “Yeah, man you’re Republican royalty.”

He was just nice as he could be. And I saw his name getting in the Hall of Fame, and I wanted to give a shout out today ’cause that’s rarefied air, baseball Hall of Fame, NFL Hall of Fame, it’s really special place, pinnacle of achievement.

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