Callers on the Campus Mess

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 12,2015

RUSH: Here’s Amy, one of my all-time top ten favorite female names, Charleston, South Carolina. Great to have you on the program. Hi.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. I’d be remiss if I didn’t send you some major dittos from my 85-year-old grandmother, who I’m sure is listening right now.

RUSH: I love it. Thank you very much.

CALLER: Hey, listen, I wanted to talk to you today because, you know, I don’t get to listen every day, I work hard, I’m 30 years old so I’m one of the Millennials that I know you’ve been talking about today. But I heard you speaking about Missouri today, it hit home, literally. I’m from an area 25 miles from Columbia. I’ve grown up proudly wearing Mizzou football T-shirts my entire life. My mom is Mizzou alumni. She has her master’s degree. She’s well educated. But I myself did not go to college. I had a baby at 18. I went straight into the workforce. I have had my own insurance, my own 401(k) since I was 19 years old.

RUSH: No kidding.

CALLER: And as I was hearing this story — and you gave me a lot of details I hadn’t even heard yet, it hit me to the core because people my own age, or those that are now coming straight out of college, are now looking to people like me in a management position expecting similar pay, similar titles, and entitlement I think is really what it comes down to, and —

RUSH: Oh, yeah. They’re entitled. They’re pampered. They have been spoiled rotten. They have been told they’re wonderful and great with self-esteem enhancement programs and so forth, to the point now that they do not think they should have to be subjected to anything unpleasant or anything they disagree with, and if something happens that subjects them to things they disagree with, whoever does that could and should be fired.

CALLER: That word “offensive” makes me crazy. People are so fast to use the word, “Well, I’m offended.” That’s not the real world. You know, I guess I could probably say I’m offended every day of my life. I work in sales. If I don’t make sales, I don’t make money. And how fast that word gets thrown out. The fact that the president and the chancellor of this university, whom I’ve always held very dear, have now resigned, is disturbing, because that to me is a sign of their acquiescence to these outrageous lists of demands, these students —

RUSH: But most of this was a hoax! Amy, if you’re not yet up to speed because you’ve been so busy working, it’s turned out that most of these incidents were made up. They didn’t happen. This whole thing is a giant hoax. And one of the relevant points here — and I don’t want to put words in your mouth, but I have a feeling you’ll agree with this — this is almost just deserts. I mean, this is the kind of thing these colleges have been teaching kids. They’ve been teaching hatred for America. They’ve been teaching America’s faults. They have been telling people how America’s unfair here and unjust over there. They’ve been doing it for years and years and years, and they can’t be surprised that the students believe ’em. They can’t be surprised that the students are growing up thinking their country is in bad shape, that everybody lies to them about it. These two university officials that quit, for crying out loud, a lot of people feel sorry for ’em.

CALLER: I don’t feel sorry for ’em. I think they made a mistake. And what I also learned from you today is that the real root of this problem is this one kid who said he was starving himself because he could no longer be on his father’s insurance plan. I think he has also bought into the notion that he himself cannot go find a job to provide health insurance for himself. That’s so bogus. As I mentioned, I have my own health insurance. I now have two children. They have always been on my own health insurance since I was 19 years old. It is out there. You are capable of getting it.

RUSH: Let me observe something about you. You had your baby, first baby at 18, you said?

CALLER: Correct.

RUSH: There are a lot of stories out there of 18-year-old women who have babies and it ends up wrecking and destroying their lives.

CALLER: I should be a statistic is what I’ve been told, yes.

RUSH: Yeah. And you apparently triumphed here or you dealt with it, I guess. You accepted whatever happened. You obviously accepted the responsibility, and you’re so far ahead of these highly educated, highly pampered students who really haven’t yet learned anything about the real world.

CALLER: Listen, I appreciate you saying that. There was a time when I looked at it as, you know, would I ever be able to measure up to these kids who were getting a high quality education. And now I look back almost with a smile because I probably would have gone to Mizzou. I wanted to be a journalist, that was the path I always thought I would follow. Had I gone into that, I wouldn’t be where I am today, living in one of the most expensive cities in the US on my own by myself.

RUSH: You’re right, it is, and I love your confidence.

CALLER: I appreciate that.

RUSH: Well, I do. It’s infectious and it’s entirely possible. You know, you’re a living example, testament of you don’t need to go to college, you don’t need the approval of others to get where you want to go. All you need to do is realize your reality, grasp it, deal with it, accept it, and shoot for the moon.

CALLER: And charge forward.

RUSH: Well, you did it. Amy, thanks much.

CALLER: I appreciate it. Thanks, Rush.

RUSH: It’s great to have you in the audience. It really is. Thanks for the call.


RUSH: Yeah, I know, I know. I almost spanked myself during the break. Here we have Amy, a great call. She’s 30. She has two kids, the first one when she was 18. I should have offered her a couple of Rush Revere books — made to order — and a couple of these Liberty dolls. And I got so caught up in what she was saying, it slipped my mind and we ran out of time. And, unfortunately, we didn’t get her number to call her back. So, Amy, if you by any chance can get back in here… I know it’s a long shot. People have tried for 25 years to get through here and haven’t made it.

But if you can spare the time and try to get back through, I’d like to make that up to you. By the way, I’d like to tell you how unique Amy is. I ran across this story with these stats. It might have been earlier this week or late last week, and it’s a combination of Reuters and the Pew Research Center. “A record portion of young American women are living with parents or other relatives, largely because of higher college attendance and delayed marriage… The Pew Research Center analysis of US Census Bureau data showed that 36.4% of women ages 18 to 34 lived with family in 2014, mostly in the home of mother, father or both.

“The number tops the record set in 1940, when 36.2% of young women lived with relatives, the analysis said.” It’s all Census Bureau data, and “1940 is the earliest year for comparable data” to study. That’s just another example of how unique Amy is and women like her because more young women are living at home. By the way, these are not numbers that are part of the whole phenomenon of young people living with their parents anyway. This is above and beyond that.

Now, this number one reason given is that because more women are going to college. But let’s not forget the demo here that we’re talking. The demo is 18 to… What is it, 18 to 34? It’s 18-24? Well, a lot of it could be college. No, ’cause it’s 18 to 34. The demo is 18 to 34. It’s the economy, is the primary reason, whether they’re going to college or not. Regardless, it’s the largest rate in history, young women still living in the home of a relative.

Christine in Ojai, California, you’re next, and it’s great to have you. Hi.

CALLER: Thank you, Rush. It’s always a pleasure to participate in this. Listen, I guess I’m gonna sort of piggyback on what Amy was talking about when she was talking about the root of the problem. I wanted to make a comment about something I remember, and given that you’re a history buff, I thought you might appreciate this. I’m from the era of when the Columbia sit-in happened and when the kids were — “the kids” — the students were exercising their first rights to take over the university. And in hindsight, I think that’s what’s happening now. What you’re talking about today with what’s going on in the campuses, is a direct result that nobody took the stand back then.

RUSH: Well, I think there’s no doubt about that.

CALLER: And we’re living with that, and we’re talking… What was that, like late sixties that that happened, maybe ’68, ’69?

RUSH: Well, no, that’s when it blew up. It was early to mid-sixties. There’s always… Look, the campus has always been — “the academy,” as the intellectuals like to refer to it. Academe has always been a place supposedly (this makes me laugh) where the universe of ideas is always explored and any idea is worthy of discussion. It’s all a crock. Universities today are indoctrinating. Universities today are citadels of higher propaganda. And that, too, started in the 1960s.

CALLER: Mmm-hmm.

RUSH: Leftist radicals took over the curriculum, took over the management, took over the place. By virtue of intimidation. But, yeah. It blew up in ’68.

CALLER: Mmm-hmm.

RUSH: The Democrat convention is what you’re thinking of. But what’s happened is that those people who were raising hell back then, they’re now in the Obama administration. They’re over at the Federal Reserve. They’re at the Treasury department. They’re at the Department of Justice. They’re all over the place, and they have not changed, and they have raised their kids much like they were raised, and a lot of people don’t understand this. Those kids, the protesters in the sixties were obedient. They were not radicals in the sense that they were rebelling against their parents. They were obedient, particularly to their sponsors, and the professors, the radical elements that they surrounded themselves with. Obama has talked often about how he regrets he missed it.

CALLER: Mmm-hmm.

RUSH: And so he’s making up for lost time now. But there’s no question. Now, back in the sixties — I mentioned this earlier — Reagan was governor of California during a lot of these protests, and he called out the National Guard. He didn’t put up with it.

CALLER: Mmm-hmm.

RUSH: Just like PATCO and firing the air traffic controllers. He did not put up with it. And I’ll tell you a little story, Christine, because this is — and I’ll paraphrase the story ’cause I think it’s actually from a Lou Cannon biography of Reagan. But during one of these student protests when Reagan was governor California, some of the student leaders demanded to meet with him. And he did. He took the meeting. And in the meeting a bunch of student radicals and activists showed up in his office. They were not particularly violent, but they were threateningly disruptive, even in his office.

And they were shouting at him, and they were saying things like, “You know, old man, you don’t know what our life is like! You being governor is a waste of time for us. You haven’t the slightest idea what our lives are like. You haven’t the slightest idea what our lives are gonna be like. You’re old! You’re just clueless. I mean, come on, old man. When you were growing up, they didn’t even have TV. When you were growing up, they didn’t even have radio! When you were growing up, they didn’t have telephones. Nothin’, old man! You don’t have the slightest idea what our lives are like.”

Reagan just sat there, and he listened to ’em, and when they were finished, he paused for couple seconds of silence, he looked at the student leader, and he said, “You know, you’re right. We didn’t have enough those things. We had to invent them for you.”

CALLER: (chuckling)

RUSH: “You didn’t invent them. You didn’t build them. You’re just sitting there using them. So don’t think I don’t know what your life is like. I know more about what your life is like than you know what it’s like.” And these students… I mean, it was a great illustration. I mean, it just shut them down. They turned tail and walked out of there. It didn’t change their attitude about anything. It’s just a great story, and I think it’s a Lou Cannon biography. I’m not sure. I get this confused. There’s so many sources for these stories. Ed Meese is a great source, and a number of other people. But Reagan didn’t put up with this stuff from people.

CALLER: Well, Rush, that was kind of my point of calling, is that I get a little angered that the powers that be caved at Columbia because there really was no need that they had to. They just basically caved. And now, you know, we’re living with that that’s the status quo, and now here we are, and the nonsense is going on at university after university now, and I just… Do you think that it’s too late for somebody to try to take back the fort, or there just aren’t the people willing to do it?

RUSH: Well, what do you mean by “take back”?

CALLER: Well, to make the stand that wasn’t made back in the sixties at Columbia, when they should have just taken just taken all the —

RUSH: No, I don’t. I think that we are seeing in the Republican presidential primary, there’s some candidates who are making it abundantly clear, they’re trying to make us believe that they are that guy, or that person who’s gonna stand up and say no to this stuff. Trump is one. Cruz is another. Maybe Carly Fiorina to a certain extent. But I think, you know, what paralyzed the administration at Mizzou was the football team threatening to go on strike. That was dollars. That was gonna cost the university dollars, embarrassment. And don’t forget, there was implied physical intimidation going on.

CALLER: Well, Rush, there’s always a price to pay when you take a stand, you know? And there was a price to pay by not caving in to the students at Columbia, and there would have been a price to pay with the football team. But isn’t that what we have to do to get things back on course?

RUSH: Well, don’t leave out the media. That’s another thing that paralyzes people. “Oh, my God, look what the media is gonna say. Oh, my.” Because they think the media loves the students. The media loves the protests. The media hates us, so if we stand up — You probably would believe it, Christine, but maybe not. You would not believe how much garbage, how much wrong-headed policy, how much destructive stuff happens at the highest levels of government in this country simply because of the fear of media. The media can paralyze the Republican Party, and that simply has got to stop.


RUSH: Jacob in Raleigh, North Carolina. Hi. Great to have you on the program. Hello.

CALLER: Mega dittos, Rush, from one of Dr. Levin’s rising generation. I feel better prepared than most, probably because I grew up listening to you. I read both your books when I was a young lad in middle school. But I was calling about, I’m a lawyer, and I went to law school and was a charter member of the school, founding member, and I got an e-mail a while back from the administration saying there had been a biased incident on campus. So immediately I thought maybe there was an issue where the professor had said something. I find out a student said something to another student in class, a racial slur, and they launched an investigation, went through a whole series of processes to find out what exactly happened when everybody sitting in the room apparently knew what happened, and now the school feels that it needs to be a leading force in intercultural competence.

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: That’s what my law school does.

RUSH: One incident and it blew the school up. One incident like this. The inability to deal with a one-off like this and think, “Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God, our university’s corrupt, it’s polluted, oh, my God, we have racists here.” And they’re shamed and embarrassed.

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