Grandfather Records His Own Version of Rush Revere Books Oct 27, 2015RUSH: Frank in Waco, Texas. It’s great to have you, sir. I’m glad you waited. Hi.CALLER: Rush, I’m...
Happy Family Buys the New Rush Revere Oct 27, 2015RUSH: This Melinda, Lyndhurst, Virginia. Thank you for waiting. It’s great to have you on the...
Gutierrez Lies About Trump on House Floor, Rails Against SNL Appearance Oct 27, 2015RUSH: Trump is getting it from all sides now as Luis Gutierrez, our old buddy from Illinois, a...
Jeb Calls Rubio the GOPÂ’s Obama, But Does He Mean It as a Compliment? Oct 27, 2015RUSH: Speaking of the campaign, Jeb Bush has called Marco Rubio the GOP’s Obama. Did you see that?...
The Drive-Bys Think They’ve Got Trump Oct 27, 2015RUSH: Oh, my friends, the excitement is palpable today. So much going on. So much earth-shattering...
The 4th Book: Rush Revere and the Star-Spangled Banner on the Shelves Now! Oct 27, 2015RUSH: My friends, a big day personally, very thrilled we are to announce book four of the...