Happy Indigenous Peoples Day!

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 12,2015

RUSH: A very happy Indigenous Peoples Day to everybody out there. In other words, greetings to all of you who were trampled when the settlers arrived here to the new world and took it away from you. And now you’ve got sour grapes showing up with Calypso Louie at the Million Man March redux over the weekend.

Columbus Day it is, but of course that’s so politically incorrect. Nothing to celebrate there, folks. Columbus Day, that began the end of everything that was sacred. It’s when the white Europeans showed up and they brought horses, syphilis, racism, bigotry, homophobia, and their own version of capitalism. They brought environmental destruction. Animal insignificance and destruction as well. Virtually everything wrong with the greatest nation on earth is traced back to Columbus Day. And instead several cities today are actually celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day instead of Columbus Day. Why should native Americans want the heritage of Europeans celebrated? You know, bad memories and all that. What have they ever done for the world? Unlike the Indians. They gave us tobacco, great PSA’s on TV about keeping the climate unpolluted.

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