A Cold Couldn’t Stop Me from Attending Vince Flynn Book Event in Minnesota

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 9,2015

RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for being out the past couple of days. I sound worse today to myself than I did on Tuesday. When I get a cold or a fever and near flu, it’s always upper chest congestion, gets caught in the throat and moves up. I just knew it. I could feel it coming on and I just knew.

Tuesday after the program I flew up to Minneapolis. Everybody’s good friend Vince Flynn passed away two years ago, and he was in the midst of writing a new book called The Survivor, and Vince’s family chose an author named Kyle to finish it. The book was finished and it was released this past Tuesday, The Survivor. Kyle Mills was the author that finished the book. They had a little ceremony at St. Thomas Academy in the gymnasium there which was named after Vince. He was such a big guy in Minneapolis and throughout the state of Minnesota. He was just tremendously, unilaterally loved.

They called about, I don’t know, a month ago, and said they were gonna do this ceremony and a little seminar on Vince’s life and his writing to kick off the sale of the book. They asked if I’d come up and be part of a roundtable discussion. I said, “Sure, I’d be happy to.” So I flew up there after the program, and that didn’t help, is the point. So it was three hours up there, and they put me on first. I did about a 25-minute interview and I didn’t do any media requests. They asked, “Would you do some media?” I said, “You don’t want me doing any media because they will not ask me about Vince Flynn. They’ll ask me about Hillary or whatever stuff, and it won’t be productive.”

So I didn’t do any media. I just did the 25-minute Q&A with the lead anchor at the big Minneapolis TV station, it was great, then got back on the plane and flew home. So I got back about three in the morning. It was four hours coming back because you lose the time zone. And I knew when I left here on Tuesday that Wednesday was gonna be impossible, and it was. I had this hacking cough. I was just a mess, and Thursday, a little bit better yesterday. But at least I had some energy yesterday.

So I’m just gonna roll it all together. I could have just taken the rest of the week off. Most hosts would have, you know, just chalked it up and say, “I don’t take many sick days anyway.” But there’s too much going on.

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