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RUSH: From the Wall Street Journal, headline’s all you need here. “Russian Airstrike in Syria Targeted CIA-Backed Rebels, US Officials Say.” It’s exactly what I happened to report yesterday, that everybody thought that Putin was gonna go out there, start attacking ISIS, and instead, Putin attacked US allies, moderate rebels in Syria. And yet Washington Post: “Russia Vehemently Defends Syrian Airstrikes and Denies Targeting US-Backed Rebels.”

So what are we supposed to do here? The Wall Street Journal says that American official says that Putin did indeed strike these US backed rebels and Russia is denying it. And now they’re dropping more bombs today. The attack continues, and it is considered to be an affront to Obama.

Now, John Kerry. This is just embarrassing. This is our reaction to it. This is the secretary of state last night in New York City at the UN, John Kerry, who once served in Vietnam, at a joint press conference with the Russian foreign minister, whose name is Sergey Lavrov. Now, this goes by fast. There’s only 15 seconds. Here’s Lurch.

KERRY: We agreed on the imperative of, as soon as possible, perhaps even as soon as tomorrow, but as soon as possible having a military-to-military deconflection — deconfliction discussion.

RUSH: That is our secretary of state saying that he agreed with Sergey Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, that they agreed it was an imperative, either soon as possible, even today, but if not today, soon as possible, to have a military-to-military deconflection — uh, deconfliction discussion. Yesterday he said we had to deconflict the situation. Last night he said it was a deconfliction discussion. What he means is, you know, we’ve gotta stop this conflict.

So apparently there’s some sort of newfangled conflict resolution going called it deconfliction. And you know Sergey Lavrov happens to be laughing behind Kerry’s face. Anybody would be. You know what they’re saying, “These guys think they’re so smart. They think they’re running rings around us. These are the smartest the USA has to offer and they’re a bunch of birdbrains.” Meanwhile, Putin and Russia, they are continuing the assaults, and they are hitting not ISIS, they are attacking rebels in Syria who happen to be our allies.

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