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RUSH: Cody in Oregon and Portland. It’s great to have you on the program. Welcome, sir. Hi.

CALLER: Hey. How you doing, Rush?

RUSH: I’m very well. Thank you.

CALLER: Hey, I was calling about your Rush Revere books. I have a daughter who’s in kindergarten. I’ve been waiting quite a while to be able to buy her some of these Rush Revere books and I want to see if that’s actually an age group that would work for her, to read these books, considering her age.

RUSH: She’s 5. Can she read at all?

CALLER: She can’t read, but I read books to her every night, and, you know, I try to pick ones that I enjoy as well, and I definitely know I want to go through these books and read them.

RUSH: Well, in that case I’m gonna be very self-serving here. I’ll be honestly self-serving.


RUSH: I don’t think you can start soon enough on the subject matter here, and if you’re… Did you say it’s your daughter?

CALLER: Yes, my daughter.

RUSH: If your daughter likes hearing you read to her, it can’t hurt to try. Do you have any of the Rush Revere books?

CALLER: No. I have not bought any yet, and —

RUSH: Okay, well, let me —

CALLER: — I wanted to buy the package for her kindergarten class. It is a private school, so…

RUSH: Well, let me do this. When you finish here… This will be a test. If you’ll stay in touch with us here, what will happen is, after the phone call is over here, stay on the phone. Mr. Snerdley will get an address for you. We’ll FedEx you — or UPS, whatever. We’ll FedEx overnight some books, and I’m gonna send you the audio versions on CD that I have recorded. I read them.

CALLER: Perfect.

RUSH: So when you get tired of reading, you can pop in a CD. But you read one to her, and see if she likes it. I have a sneaking suspicion — because of the talking horse and the personality and the character of this horse — that she’s gonna love it. But I don’t think —

CALLER: Oh, I agree. She does listen to the show with me, so, you know, in the car I could even throw these audio books on.

RUSH: Well, see, my instincts were right on the money even though I didn’t know it. I’m serious now on the subject matter. I mean, the reason for doing these books is because we all believe in the importance of teaching the history of this country. It’s so special, it’s so miraculous, it’s so important. It’s just such a wonderful story that we want everybody to know it, and it isn’t being taught as much today as it was when I was growing up. So it’s simple —

CALLER: That’s why we sacrifice and we put her in private school and we give her an education that we feel is gonna teach that to her.

RUSH: Well, I would be honored and I’d be happy to send you some books out and some of the audio CDs and even though you read to her and see if she likes it. My guess is that she’s going to.

CALLER: Oh, I agree. I didn’t know… I read on the website and it says, you know, between 9 and, you know, older, and I’m thinking, “I can’t wait any longer! I want to read these books, and I want to read them to her.”

RUSH: No, I totally understand. I understand the impatience here. We have to put that up, because the books are written for reading level of 10 to 13. But that’s not to say that somebody younger who knows how to read can’t read them and enjoy them. Because, clearly, we get e-mails from all age groups of people who are reading the books and enjoying them and we’re getting pictures. And clearly many of the pictures that we’re getting of young readers, they’re 7, 8 years old and they’re holding up the books. Their parents are either reading the books to them or they themselves are going through the books.

But that 10-to-13 or, you know, 8-to-10 range is to be honest with parents about the reading level that the books are written at, but in terms of the ability to enjoy ’em, I think anybody will. We’re even hearing from adults who do. So hang on here, Cody, and Mr. Snerdley will get your address so that we can send you a little care package out and put the theory to test. Seriously, you know, we’re hearing from parents and teachers from all over the country asking us when the next Rush Revere book is coming.

And I can’t… (chuckles) I can’t describe for you how exciting it is to get e-mails like that and requests. “Is there gonna be another one, Mr. Limbaugh? Is there gonna be another one?” Parents, grandparents want to know. Really, it’s a mission here for us to try to teach young people how lucky we all are to be Americans. So the next book is coming, it’s in pre-order now, Rush Revere and the Star-Spangled Banner, and it’s… You know what? I’m gonna tell you something, folks. There’s more history chocked into this book… I’m not gonna say anymore. I don’t want to give it away. It’s Rush Revere and the Star-Spangled Banner. It’s available now online for pre-order wherever you get books: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, you name it. It’s on sale in the stores on October 27th.


RUSH: For those two or three of you that are unfamiliar with the Rush Revere Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans children’s book series, we don’t just present history as a timeline of facts that people have to memorize. What we do here, we write these books in such a way that the reader actually experiences history and is transported back to the events in time that we are writing about so that they are actually there, they’re part of it.

They go back, time travel with Liberty. The talking horse takes everybody back and they live these moments and they talk to and interact with all of these exceptional people in America’s history, in America’s past, and they get to ask them questions, and they participate as though they are residents of that era, while they time travel. And they can see how one event leads to another.

So the reader actually becomes part of the story, not remains distant from it and has to try to remember it. And that’s the effort that we’re making with the way the books are constructed here is to actually take the reader back in time to make them part of the story so there’s no memorization required. We tell ’em true stories that are exceptional, and they’re incredible, forever impressioned on their young minds. That’s the effort.

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