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RUSH: There’s a piece, I put it at the bottom of the Stack, I’m gonna find it — here it is. It’s from the UK Telegraph, and I forget the woman’s name, it’s a British paper. And the story: “Hillary Clinton Steals the Show at Iowa Democrats Meet. Standing before a giant American flag, her arms outstretched before the cheering crowd.”

Anyway, this woman goes on to say that Hillary’s speech and her appearance on Saturday in Iowa was the best political speech so far this campaign, that she is back, that she owned it, and it’s the only place I saw it. Every other place I consulted that reported on it said that Hillary was stiff, unfamiliar with her own material, self-conscious, uncomfortable looking, and she tried cracking a joke. Now, I didn’t see the speech yet. I’m gonna listen to this sound bite and I’m gonna see if the UK Telegraph is right or if the critics are. It was in Clear Lake, Iowa, at a campaign event, and this is how Hillary chose to defuse this whole e-mail scandal, server scandal.

HILLARY: I recently launched a Snapchat account. (cheers and applause) I love it. I love it. Those messages disappear all by themselves. (laughter)

RUSH: All right. All right. You know what this means? This is a stage of a campaign that is not in good shape. And this stage is known as the laugh about it stage, make a joke about it stage. I don’t think Mrs. Clinton has the foggiest idea what Snapchat is even after that joke. They might have told her about it when she sees that they wrote it for her, but that line does not come off. That’s a written line or a memorized line. It’s certainly not delivered by somebody that knows what Snapchat is.

Listen to it again. (imitating Clinton) “I recently launched a Snapchat account.” Yay! “I love it. I love it. Those messages disappear all by themselves.” That’s not how you tell people about Snapchat. Listen again.

HILLARY: I recently launched a Snapchat account. (cheers and applause) I love it. I love it. Those messages disappear all by themselves. (laughter)

RUSH: Those messages disappear. That’s not how somebody advocating Snapchat, even somebody who recently discovered it, would talk about it. I don’t think it was a great line. That sounds like the usual stiff Hillary, to me.


RUSH: Look, Snapchat is for videos and pictures primarily. Snapchat is not a good analogy to her e-mail problem because Snapchat, the idea behind it, is to capture spontaneous, unstaged situations. Something Hillary would never do. Everything she does is choreographed. There’s no spontaneity with Hillary. Hell, I mean, she even schedules dancing on the beach in the Virgin Islands with her husband when there’s no music, just for the photo-op. But Snapchat is videos and photos. It’s not just an instant message service like she seems to think.

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