Martha’s Vineyard Caller Buys Regime BS

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 14,2015

RUSH: This is Charles in Martha’s Vineyard. Welcome, sir. It’s great to have you with us.

CALLER: Hello. How are you?

RUSH: I’m fine, sir. Thank you for the call.

CALLER: Thanks. I’d like to just mention that I know you can knock down this deal as much as you want, but at the same time it does give the United States the means to at least have some check on Iran. You know, just, uhhh… The system before with no deal didn’t give us anything like it.

RUSH: Well, this is essentially no deal, because there’s no check. I mean, there’s none. There aren’t anytime, anywhere verifications, inspections. There’s nothing.

CALLER: No anytime, anywhere, but at the same time we still — we still have a say. Now in the process that they’re having, we can send people in there to check it out.

RUSH: We have a say in the process?

CALLER: (silence)

RUSH: How?

CALLER: The whole point of the deal was that we can, you know, call them up when we think they’re doing something wrong. We can have some sort of conference like you were saying before.

RUSH: You’re serious?

CALLER: I think that this, in some way, helps to stop them from… I mean, stop the disastrous war from happening in the future. What’s the other option? I don’t hear another way that we can do this. Like, the whole — the whole nature of a deal, especially when you’re dealing with an evil country like Iran is that at some point you have to compromise.

RUSH: Why does the compromise result in them getting nuclear weapons when they do not have them now? Where’s the compromise? What did we get for this?

CALLER: Because that’s… That’s what they want. What we get is some say in the process that they can’t have nuclear weapons for… It’s only.. It’s not for them to use them against other countries, say, apparently.

RUSH: I have to ask. Charles? Charles, are you serious about this? What we get is “some say in the process that they can’t have nuclear weapons”?

CALLER: That they can’t use them for arming — arming themselves purposes. They use them for whatever. Energy.

RUSH: What power do we have to prevent them from arming themselves in such a way and then using those arms? What power is in this deal to stop them? After they get their weaponized nuclear facilities up and running, and they’ve weaponized with a nuclear tip, an ICBM 00 which we also have not limited their production of. So they’ve got a nuclear bomb on the end of a missile. What power do we have to tell ’em they can’t launch it?

CALLER: What — what power did we have before the deal to tell ’em we can’t launch it? This gives us more say, is what I’m trying to say. Plus it gives us an in with their population. The median age, whatever, like in the twenties. They like this deal, and they’re the more moderate side of society.

RUSH: But what nobody’s mentioning here is the sanctions were working. The sanctions is what was preventing them from making speedier progress.

CALLER: The sanctions —

RUSH: The sanctions were crippling their economy.

CALLER: The sanctions were growing… The sanctions were growing a generation of Iranians who were gonna hate us, just like the generation before them.

RUSH: Okay.

CALLER: It wasn’t strangling, didn’t have a strangle on the government. The government was still developing nuclear weapons. It was hurting the people.

RUSH: Right, and the government as well. I mean, there’s no way for that not to happen. Name for me a war in which the American people were victorious that did not harm the citizens of the country with whom we were at war with?

CALLER: No, you’re right, and that’s why wars are almost always unjust. They always hurt the people. But that’s what this deal tries to avoid. It pushes that off. God forbid that ever happens, it pushes it off 10 or 15 years, and it gives us an in in trying to stop them from developing nuclear weapons for arming themselves purposes.

RUSH: But they’re not going to stop. They’re celebrating even today the fact that they can do this now. They’re happy as clams. They’re just celebrating, they’re dancing in the streets, they are victorious. They get their nuclear weapons. They get the end of sanctions. This was a total cave, and it sounds to me like you think it was a victory ’cause they weren’t gonna hate us anymore.

CALLER: I think that in some way… I think it gives us a say in this process, something that we didn’t have before. That’s what I’m trying to argue.

RUSH: We did have a say in the process!

CALLER: It’s better than nothing.

RUSH: We have all of kinds of a say in the process! We had the rest of the world aligned against the Iranians until we gave that up, too. We had all kinds of a say in the process. We used to be the United States of America, and we had a say in the process of everything like this that had an impact on US national security. That was our job, as the leader of the Free World, and the incumbent responsibility we had to our own people to keep our own people free and safe and protected.

It was about identifying enemies and making sure they could not wreak havoc on our people. That was the role we used to play! But no now under this Regime, that’s considered to be unfair. It’s considered to be not right. “We don’t have that right. What right do we have to say they can’t bomb us if we can bomb them?” So we have caved on the deal under the premise that maybe they won’t hate us as much anymore, and we have put war off maybe 10 on 15 years, and now we have the power to persuade them not to bomb us.

What will we cave to in order to keep that from happening ten years from now?


RUSH: I seriously want to thank Charles from Martha’s Vineyard for calling and hanging on. What a great illustration. That’s what I encounter every day on my tech blogs when I engage them. That’s exact kind of thinking that I encounter every day when they delve into politics. You know, for those of you out there who can’t imagine people really supporting this because they really support it; they might support it ’cause they’re loyal to Obama? No, no, no.

There are Americans, and you just heard one, who thinks this is brilliant! ‘Cause now we’re gonna have some say-so in whether or not they use their nuclear weapon. I don’t know… (laughing) It is absurd. But look, he made a big deal about the Iranian people being mad at us, because of sanctions, and we don’t want them mad at us! I mean, that’s the worst thing that could happen, if they get mad at us and so forth. The Iranian people did not hate the sanctions!

For those of you who are members of the New Castrati, meaning your manhood is gone because of liberalism, the Iranian people are like every other people. They do not like living in tyranny! They do like living in tyranny and punishing, denial-of-freedom circumstances. The people of Iran did not hate the sanctions, and the sanctions were not creating a generation of anti-American Iranians. The Iranian people hate the Iranian regime! They have to be very careful, though, how they express that or they die.

Let me remind some of you New Castrati of when the former president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, came to the United Nations back when George Bush was president. He showed up and he was celebrated as a conquering hero because he was an enemy of Bush. The left hated Bush and here comes Ahmadinejad. He was invited to address the student body at Columbia University, and so he goes in there and he’s speaking to them during a Q&A, and he was asked about homosexuality in Iran.

‘Cause the students there figured that Iran was very “enlightened” on homosexuality because they’re an enemy of the Americans, enemy of the United States, and therefore they must be enlightened. Ahmadinejad said, “We don’t have any of those.” And the student body at Columbia — I remember these thousands — started laughing. Ahmadinejad said, “Oh, wait, do you know some in Iran? Could you tell me where they live?” Because Ahmadinejad, if they found anybody homosexual in Iran, they’re plucked from their homes and they’re killed.

They’re executed because they are homosexuals.

Yet here we have the New Castrati in this country thinking that the Iranians are the good guys and the Iranian people are mad at us. The Iranian people hate the Iranian regime. They tried to rise up against the Iranian regime in 2009, and Obama promptly turned his back on them. He has not done anything to help the dissidents in Iran. He has empowered the Regime that enslaves them. That’s why many Iranian hate us because we have let them down. The sanctions are not a reason why they hate us, and the sanctions did not “only hurt the Iranian people.”

The sanctions froze the assets of the mullahs and the military people in many parts of the world. We weren’t able to get, I don’t think, to every account that they had, but it was serious — and we’re giving it back to ’em! It’s more than $150 billion that that we froze, but, regardless, it’s all going back to them now. I mean, there was no need… For those of you who don’t know, there was no need to even go through this lengthy, protracted negotiation. That was for show, too.

What’s essentially happened here is that Obama has called the Ayatollah Khamenei and said, “Go ahead, and we’ll see you in 10 or 15 years. Go ahead.” That’s what’s happened here. All these negotiations? They’re just public consumption to make it look like serious talks were going on and that both sides… In fact, I just saw Christiane Amanpour — who’s had some work done, by the way. (Sorry, can’t help but notice it. No comment beyond that.) She was telling us, the substance of her report was how Kerry and his counterpart in Iran, “Oh, man!

“They were going at it every session. I mean, it got vicious in there! It got loud, it was argumentative,” and she asked him, “But did it end that way every day?” And she said, “Wolf, both Kerry and the Iranian counterpart told me that they made a point at the end of each negotiating session to walk out the door smiling at each other — and they did it, Wolf! They did it!” Wolf was smiling (clapping), “Oh, man! Does that not sound like a beautiful thing?” It’s all for show. There was no reason for us to show up.

We could have accomplished the same thing here with a phone call to the Ayatollah Khamenei. Go ahead. I’m not exaggerating by much here. And try this, many of you New Castratis still out there. The Jerusalem Post has a write-up today on this. “Negotiators failed to meet the standard of achieving ‘anytime, anywhere’ access that several members of the United States Congress had demanded as a part of any nuclear deal.” Now, remember, we just spoke to our caller in Martha’s Vineyard, and it doesn’t matter. He believes…

This is all that matters.

He believes that we have a say-so.

You heard him.

(summarized) “We have a say-so. Yeah, they’re gonna get nuclear weapons, but they’re not gonna hate us anymore, and we’re gonna have a say-so in whether or not they use them.” But we’re not! That’s what “anytime, anywhere” negotiations being broomed means. We do not have a say-so in whether or not they use them or ramp up. And right here it is in the Jerusalem Post: “Negotiators failed to meet the standard of achieving ‘anytime, anywhere’ access that several members of the United States Congress had demanded as a part of any nuclear deal.

“Instead, in the event Iran objects to an IAEA request for access to a specific site, a ‘clock’ will begin that grants the two sides 14 days to negotiate.” (laughing) Folks, so if we think there’s been a violation — not us, it’s the International Atomic Energy Agency. The United Freaking Nations. That’s who it is. Remember Mohamed ElBaradei from the Saddam days of the early Iran days? Yeah, yeah, Mohamed ElBaradei. Allahu Akbar!

If we expect a violation, we have to call those clowns, and then they make a request to the Iranians.

At which point a clock begins that grants 14 days to negotiate whether or not to allow the inspection. There is no “anytime, anywhere” inspection. We can’t just say, “Hey, we want to check and see how you’re doing here.” We have to go through the IAEA, AEIA, IKEA, whatever. We have to go through these guys at the United Nations, and then there’s a two-week negotiation period where we hope to win (laughing) the talks to let us go check what’s happening.

(interrupting) Now, wait. (interrupting) Now, wait. (interrupting) “Why does the left assume…?” Because Obama’s dealing with them. Snerdley’s asked the question, “Why does the left…?” meaning our caller from Martha’s Vineyard. “Why does the left always assume that the enemies of America are telling the truth and are not lying to us?”

Well, because in this case they totally trust Obama, and if Obama says the deal’s great and so forth, and then the Iranians are going out basically echoing what Obama’s saying with a little bit more emphasis. In fact, if we got a Republican president they really believe our enemies. They never doubt. Anyway, now, if this 14-day negotiation period expires without an agreement, then there’s a joint commission that would have seven days to advise the IAEA on a way forward. Iran would then have three days to comply with the commission’s final advice, bringing the total time on the clock to 24 days.

Can I go through this again? Here’s what happens since there are no anytime, anywhere inspections, there’s no such access. It’s not there. It was purposely removed by the Iranians, and we agreed to it. So now if we suspect, think, figure out, whatever, that they are cheating, what happens then is, we call the International Atomic Energy Agency. They then call the Iranians, which triggers a clock that starts running for 14 days so the IAEA and the Iranians begin negotiating whether or not the Iranians will allow the inspection that we have requested.

If the two weeks go by without a resolution between the Iranians and the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Joint Commission — that’s the next entity above the IAEA — the Joint Commission would then have seven days to advise the IAEA on what to do next. So the Iranians say “no” after two weeks, “screw you, you can’t have your inspection,” so the Joint Commission says, “Okay, well, what do we do next?” They got seven days to figure out what to do next. Iran would then have three days to comply with whatever final advice the joint commission comes up with.

So we think there’s been a violation 24 days before anything can happen on it, and the Iranians have to agree to the inspection. And the Obama administration officials, this is Jerusalem Post, this the money quote of the piece. Obama administration official, quote, “We don’t think that anytime, anywhere inspections are feasible. It’s just not something that happens anywhere in the world.” Well, certainly not now, not when there is no American exceptionalism and when there is no superpower. When we are not represented as a superpower, but rather just one of an endless chain of average, ordinary, everyday nations in the world, then, yeah, I guess it isn’t something that happens anywhere in the world. So you’re seeing here this Regime presiding over the decline of the United States, both domestically and internationally.

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