Have You Ever Heard of a “Rush Limbaugh Amendment” in the Senate?

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 1,2015

RUSH: Grab audio sound bite number one. I did not know that there are things in the United States Senate called, “Rush Limbaugh amendments.” Did you? (interruption) All right. Well, this is yesterday in Baltimore. This the National Sheriffs’ Association Conference, former Senator Jim Webb (Democrat-Virginia) is speaking at the National Sheriffs’ Association conference.

During the Q&A an audience member says, “Senator, you voted in the past to continue funds [i.e., money] for declared sanctuary cities since March of 2008. As president…” There are rumors that Webb is seeking the Democrat nomination. “As president, would you expand on the scope of these sanctuary cities, or would you leave the influence of the states?”

WEBB: The bill that we voted on, it was one of these Rush Limbaugh amendments. Basically it didn’t say, y’know, you’re voting to continue. The motion that was voted on said, we’re gonna cut off all federal help to local law enforcement inside any of these sanctuary cities. Y’know, that’s kind of absurd.

RUSH: I still don’t know what a Rush Limbaugh amendment is, after having heard that. But apparently this is a term widely used in the United States. “Eh, that’s another Limbaugh amendment,” and I don’t even know about them. Apparently within the halls of the US Senate, the senators live in fear of these votes on bills which actually force them to take a stand. I guess that’s what it is. A Rush Limbaugh amendment must be an amendment where you have to vote on something other than to continue or to shelve.

It must be an amendment of substance on which you must have a recorded vote and senators don’t want to do that. So they’ve named these horrible amendments, things that you have to put your name to, “Rush Limbaugh amendments.” I don’t know how that started. I have no idea. This is as new to me as it is you. (interruption) What? Oh, you’ve heard about this? You’ve heard…? (interruption)

Oh. What did you hear him say then? What did you hear “another way”? What did you hear him say? (interruption) Mmm-hmm. (interruption) Oh, you…? (interruption) Oh, you think that Webb is saying that a Rush Limbaugh amendment is a Draconian amendment against funding illegal immigrants and it’s absurd? Well, let’s forget playing the sound. Here, I’ll just read it to you: “The bill that we voted on, it was one of these Rush Limbaugh amendments.

“Basically it didn’t say, y’know, you’re voting to continue. The motion that was voted on said, we’re gonna cut off all federal help to local law enforcement inside any of these sanctuary cities. Y’know, that’s kind of absurd.” So “Rush Limbaugh amendment,” you think it means budget-cutting? You think it means make government smaller, get the government out of things? That’s a Rush Limbaugh amendment? (interruption) Well, I’ll proudly accept the title, if that’s indeed what it is.

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