Fearless Fiorina Goes to Colorado and Denounces Pot Legalization Jun 29, 2015RUSH: Carly Fiorina, who appears to be fearless out there, went to Colorado, “the first...
Christians Are the Left’s True Target Jun 29, 2015RUSH: Macomb County in Michigan. This is Sue. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hi.CALLER: Hi, Rush....
A Mom Thanks Rush and Kathryn for Rush Revere Donation to American Heritage Girls Jun 29, 2015RUSH: Shelly in Pittsburgh. It’s great to have you with us on the EIB Network. Hi.CALLER: Hi,...
Why Polygamy Is Inevitable Jun 29, 2015RUSH: So I checked the e-mail during the break, and I can tell you I need to further explain why I...
What Anthony Kennedy and His Four Cronies Have Unleashed Jun 29, 2015RUSH: There wouldn’t be social issues if there weren’t angst and misery and unhappiness. And make...
Republicans Cannot Win Without Voters Who Care About the “Social Issues” Jun 29, 2015RUSH: Now, folks, there’s all kinds of news out there that has nothing to do with Supreme Court...