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RUSH: Let me go to some of the dissents in the gay marriage case.

Chief Justice Roberts. This is difficult. You contrast Roberts in his dissenting opinion today to his majority opinion yesterday and you scratch your head, and you think, “This is incoherence.” You can’t understand it. It does not make common sense or intellectual sense, because everything Roberts wrote today criticizing gay marriage ruling is what he did yesterday in authorizing Obamacare.

He did yesterday everything he criticizes today. “Roberts’s argument centered around the need to preserve states’ rights over what he viewed as following the turn of public opinion. In ruling in favor of gay marriage, he said, ‘Five lawyers have closed the debate and enacted their own vision of marriage as a matter of constitutional law.'” He’s right. Just as happened with Roe v. Wade. Five lawyers have now defined marriage.

Oh, and, by the way, for those of you who think that you will still have access to the freedom of religion clause in the First Amendment? You won’t for long. Grab audio sound bite 23. George Takei who played, what was it, Mr. Sulu on Star Trek? Star Trek, exactly right. Star Trek. Mr. Sulu. Anyway, he’s a gay activist, George Takei on CNN. The bespectacled Ashleigh Banfield said, “There’s so much left to be said regarding the actual process…”

See? It’s never a win. It’s never over.

There is never happiness on the left. It’s fleeting and temporary, and it is the case with gay marriage, because Ms. Banfield said, “While the Supreme Court has had its say, there’s still a lot of messy work that needs to be done in at least 20 of those states that still recognize those bans.” There is? I thought this meant that we were all aligned, we were all together, and there was love just breaking out all over the country. I thought all that was at stake here was some people who were denied marriage because of their sexual orientation, just wanted to be accepted.

They just wanted to be included.

They want their dignity to be recognized.

But it’s about much more than that, as you and I well know. It’s not about being accepted. It’s about forcing. It’s about redefining. The use of force is involved here — intimidation, bullying, what have you — and George Takei signals there’s more to come. The rest of her question is this: “Those states, George, they still need to be challenged. So is the work of gay activist over or do you still see this as a challenge to the finish line?”

TAKEI: Indeed we see it as a challenge. It’s going to be a — a new challenge. But we are very mindful of that challenge that still remains. They are now — some of these, um, states, are — going to try to use the, uh, shroud of religious freedom. I believe in religious freedom, and people who argue that are entitled to their freedom. But they do not have the freedom to impose their religious values on to others. I’ve heard some of the people, uh, expressing their comments on the, uh, Supreme Court ruling, and they’re entitled to that. But they are not entitled to impose their will on everybody.

RUSH: You see, this is what’s wrong with this. Nobody in the… I can’t believe I’m saying this. Nobody in the heterosexual world is forcing anything on anybody. They’re minding their own business and having something forced on them, is what’s happening here. So Mr. Takei says: Hey, you’re free to have your religious beliefs. Have them all you like. I have mine, too. But you can’t impose your religious values on to others.

(But Mr. Takei and his group can impose their beliefs on you all day every day or you will lose your business.) You honoring your religion… You own a bake store, to give an example. A gay couple walks in; wants a cake. You say, “Sorry, my religion forbids supporting gay marriage.” That’s the end of your business. That couple’s going to walk out, go somewhere, come back with an army of lawyers, and you’re finished.

Instead of just going someplace that will bake them a cake, they’re going to focus on the place that wouldn’t because of religious freedom. This is not about joining. It’s not about being accepted. It’s about overthrowing. And Mr. Takei has just admitted so. (summarized) “Hey, you’re free to have your religious beliefs all day long. I believe in religious beliefs,” he says. “I support them. But that doesn’t mean you can impose them.”

How is somebody who owns a business, minding their own business, a gay couple comes in and wants a cake or a picture taken or what have you: “Sorry, can’t.” How is that marriage, that gay marriage, being imposed upon? A baker refusing to bake a cake is not stopping the wedding. A baker refusing to bake the cake is not preventing the couple from being in love and they’re not preventing them from going out and finding another cake. They’re not preventing them from anything.

This group just doesn’t want to bake the cake. There are plenty of other places that will. But they don’t go there. They stay focused on the place that won’t and they get put out of business or try to. Now, who is imposing on who? Mr. Takei says we’re not stopping. Religious liberty is next. There isn’t going to be any. Because, folks, religious liberty is the target here, or religion is the target, ultimately that’s what this is really all about. That’s why I say this is far more about politics than policy.

The problems that we have go way beyond the day-to-day practice of politics. But even having said that, there hasn’t been any kind of a pushback, strategy on any of this. I mean, the people who have owned bakeries and photo shops and whatever other businesses, they have lives too and they have livelihoods too and they supposedly have political beliefs and they have candidates and they have nobody defending them.

Nobody is pushing back for them. Other than the lawyers they hire, there isn’t a strategy to deal with them. We’ve got plenty of conservatives everywhere, but no opposition to anything, certainly no pushback. We’ve got Republicans everywhere but the people who donate to them, other than the Chamber of Commerce, don’t get any support. It’s kind of breathtaking to behold, actually.

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