
Rush Limbaugh

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“It’s the Isley Brothers and Fight the Power. We have the best bumper music rotation known to exist in the free or oppressed worlds — and there is bumper music rotation in the oppressed world. Don’t doubt me.”

“I didn’t want any of this stuff in South Carolina to be happening. I didn’t want the borders to be open. I didn’t want Obamacare to happen. I didn’t want 93 million Americans to not be able to find work and not be in the labor force. I didn’t want all these graduates from major American universities to be $100,000 or more in debt.”

“To liberals, the ChiComs are not the threat — and neither is ISIS, and neither is Al-Qaeda. But we are. I mean, how does Obama talk about Fox News compared to how he talks about the Iranians, for example?”

“We are going to enable the Iranians to ramp up their entire nuclear apparatus and eventually to include weapons. But in the United States, the objective is to get guns out of the hands of the NRA, which Obama and his buds consider to be conservatives.”

“Here we are already at the middle of the week, at the one and only EIB Network, Excellence in Broadcasting Network manned and staffed by me, your guiding light through all of this mess, your bulwark, your rock. You can count on getting what you expect on this program. You can depend on it. Happy to have you here.”

“It’s the Isley Brothers and Fight the Power. We have the best bumper music rotation known to exist in the free or oppressed worlds — and there is bumper music rotation in the oppressed world. Don’t doubt me.”

“I have yet to see any hypocrisy argument carry the day and discredit a Democrat. I mean, here the Democrat Party owns the Confederate flag. The Confederacy was Democrats. The ancestors, the heirs of the Confederacy were Democrats. The governors, the police chiefs, the segregationists were all Democrats. The Confederacy was Democrats, it was the Democrat Party.”

“I wish somebody would ban all of the stuff from Club Gitmo. Can you imagine the license merchandise sales that I could rack up?”

“What we have now at many — more than you would believe — institutions of higher learning, universities, is the equivalent of reeducation camps. The difference is American parents are paying for it, or somebody is. They’re paying to have their kids’ minds messed with.”

“The Democrat Party owns the Confederate flag. The Confederacy was Democrats. The ancestors, the heirs of the Confederacy were Democrats. The governors, the police chiefs, the segregationists were all Democrats. The Confederacy was Democrats, it was the Democrat Party.”

“All this talk about bipartisanship and cooperation, getting along, the Republicans are demanded to act that way. The media, the Democrats come around, tell everybody, “You need to be bipartisan. You need to be cooperative. You need to work with us and show people that the government can work.” They’re not interested in any of that, folks. They want to eliminate all opposition.”

“You don’t have to tear down the Jefferson Memorial to discredit it and to have people question that as a tradition, as an institution, as a symbol. You don’t have to tear it down. You don’t have to pull the American flag down in order for people to start questioning it.”

“As far as the Democrat Party and the way it’s constituted today, they do consider American conservatives and Republicans to be their greatest clear and present danger. Not ISIS. Not any other group or individual criminals, but conservatives. And the reason is simple. We conservatives and Republicans represent an ongoing threat to their power. They don’t think ISIS represents that. They don’t think Al-Qaeda threatens their power. But conservatives and Republicans and the Tea Party could vote them out of office. That’s what makes us the biggest threat, and that’s why they treat us accordingly.”

“I’ve got people sending me e-mails: “Hey, Rush, look at this, look at this.” You know what it is? It’s little campaign buttons and stickers and stuff with Hillary Clinton posing with the Confederate flag, and Bill Clinton posing with the Confederate flag, smiling and happy, all from the 1990s. It isn’t gonna matter a hill of beans. Until you see all that at Yahoo News, ABC, CBS, NBC, it isn’t gonna matter. And even then it wouldn’t matter because the Clintons are Democrats and get the benefit of the doubt on caring about people and having good intentions.”

“In order for the Democrat Party agenda to advance, everything must be worse than ever. Everything must be as bad as it’s ever been.”

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