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RUSH: This would be as good a time as any to remind you that Friday is the final day for the Two If By Tea sweepstakes in honor of the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation. Two If By Tea, best iced tea in the country. In fact, I got an e-mail: “Hey, Rush Revere, I’m a little irked over your tea. Almost every day of the summer I make a gallon of iced tea, every day. What I do is I put 12 bags in my one-gallon pickle jar and I put it in the sun.” My mom made tea that way, sun tea, put a bunch of tea bags in a big jar of water, put it outside for several hours.

“My kids love my tea, Rush. They said, and they were right, that I made the best iced tea, period. My tea was better than anything that came out of a bottle or a can until a couple of summers ago. I ordered your tea out of curiosity. I wanted to see, taste, what Rush Limbaugh was going on about on his radio program. And I have to tell you I was very impressed. I have not tasted an iced tea that was that good. It is a genuinely remarkable product. My kids prefer your tea over mine, and this will not stand. I have begun the research that I hope will result in an even better tea than yours. I’m gonna learn about tea and the process from leaf to glass and reclaim the crown, at least in the eyes of my boys.”

The man’s name is Duane, and he sent this e-mail. So it is, folks, it’s good. Different flavors, it’s just awesome. It’s the best iced tea you can find out there. But in addition to this we’re running our big sweepstakes because it’s theoretically almost officially the beginning of tea season, i.e., the arrival of summertime. And just to reiterate, Two If By Tea is a proud sponsor of the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation, or MC-LEF. And what they do is provide scholarships and medical assistance to the children of Marines killed in action while serving our beloved country.

They are a tremendous organization, first rate people, and 98, 99% pass through, meaning 98, 99 cents of every dollar donated goes to the recipients. Now, right now, this is the second day and final day of our big sweepstakes, and through Friday, 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time, you could be the lucky grand prize winner that Kathryn and I will personally call to inform you that you are headed to the great islands of Hawaii.

That’s right. As the grand prize winner you’re gonna get first class round-trip airfare for two to the Hawaiian island of your choice. We’re not choosing some fleabag off-the-beach hotel and we’re not sardining you in coach to get you over there. We’re flying you first class. You pick the island and then we will find the first class hotel. Leave that to us. We will put you up at a luxurious hotel. We take care of all the particulars while you’re there. All you have to do is sit back and relax.

But that’s not all. You will also get $2,000 in expense credit to spend while you’re there. You know why? Because the last thing any of our winners are gonna have do is spend their own money to enjoy our prize. A lot of other people they’d put you, as I say, flying sardine coach and they’d pick some off-the-beach little fleabag motel and they’d give you 50 bucks a day per day and say, “Have fun.” And then promote what a great company they are giving you a great prize.

That’s not us. You’re going first class. You’re going to the Hawaiian island of your choice. You’re staying in a genuine luxury place and you get $2,000 in expense credit to spend while you are there. And all you have to do to be entered is go to www.RushRevere.com right now. We’ve moved Two If By Tea over to the Rush Revere website. Just go there and shop by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time Friday. Shop for the best iced tea in America. You’ll be automatically entered to win.

And something else we’ve done, most people running a big contest like that jack the price up knowing that there’s a big prize to be won. Not us. We’re not jacking anything up. We’re lowering the price. We have discounted the tea today only and have included shipping. We’re gonna ship it to you for no charge to you. It’s gonna cost us plenty, but not you. It’s well worth going to RushRevere.com and shopping right now. And I did say RushRevere.com. The reason is we moved the tea shop over to Rush Revere, because Revere is the spokesperson. Rush Revere is our spokesperson and he demanded that the tea business be over at his website. We agreed that it made sense.

Now, folks, one of our favorite things to do is to try to help people visit places or experience things that they normally may not be able to do. Someplace they’d love to go but may not be able to. And hearing the excitement and the sincere joy on the phone when we call these winners, I tell you, it’s just priceless. It means everything to us. You can tell when people are faking being excited. And we haven’t run into anybody faking it yet. It’s been sheer joy and appreciation.

Wait a minute, no, no, no, no. There’s much more than just a grand prize. Most companies do a cheap little grand prize as I previously described and be done with it and hope to get great accolades. But not us, because in addition to that grand prize trip to the Hawaiian island of your choice we have first prize, second, third, and fourth place winners. We have a total of 27 additional winners of really good prizes, not little throwaway cupcake type stuff. Such as a brand-new $1,600 grill for the summer, $500 worth of Allen Brothers steak. In most places that would be the big prize. For us it is a grand prize. There’s 27 additional winners.

Now, one thing to keep in mind. I know that not everybody can travel. Some people can’t fly, some people don’t want to fly. Doesn’t matter. If you’re not able to travel for any reason, the trip is transferable. How many contests do you enter where it says there in the fine print, “Prize not transferable.” Meaning you can’t give it to anybody. It means if you can’t go, tough toenails. Not us. If you win and you can’t go, you can gift it. If there’s somebody in your life that you want out of town for a week, you can give it to ’em. If there’s somebody you want to reward for doing something, whatever, if you can’t make it, gift it to them. ‘Cause it’s one heck of a gift.

The bottom line is, we don’t slouch on prizes, and we make sure that our winners really win. They’re not gonna have to incur any additional expense to fully enjoy the value of the prize. So all you have to do is go to RushRevere.com by 11:59 p.m. Friday and shop, it’s 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time, and that’s it. You’ll be automatically entered to win.

And all the official rules, because you know there are some nitpickers out there that want to know every rule, and I’m not gonna spend all that time here detailing everything, just like Apple doesn’t spend everything telling you about every new feature. Well, you want to see all the rules, they’re there at RushRevere.com. Every rule, all the official rules are posted at RushRevere.com, so 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time. Friday is the deadline, and after that, sit back, you could be one of 28 people that are gonna win a pretty big and cool prize at RushRevere.com.

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