Rush Baby Asks for Cigar Advice Jun 19, 2015RUSH: This is Drew in Little Rock, Arkansas. Great to have you on the program, sir. Hi.CALLER:...
This Isn’t the GOP I Grew Up With Jun 19, 2015RUSH: Scott in Philadelphia. Great to have you on Open Line Friday, sir. Hello.CALLER: It’s an...
Brian Williams: It Wasn’t Me Jun 19, 2015RUSH: Brian Williams is back. It’s official now. Brian Williams is heading to MSNBC, and he blamed...
Another Curve! Il Papa’s Encyclical on Climate Change Undercuts Transgenders Jun 19, 2015RUSH: There’s even more in the papal encyclical. This is predictable. The papal encyclical comes...
Dr. Ben Carson Understands the Problem Jun 19, 2015RUSH: I was gratified last night. I discovered… You know, I had some comments about Dr....
Final Day to Enter the Sweepstakes! Jun 19, 2015RUSH: This would be as good a time as any to remind you that Friday is the final day for the Two...
Teacher Attests to Rush Revere’s Impact Jun 19, 2015RUSH: Here’s Bonnie in Pensacola, Florida. I’m glad you called.CALLER: Thank you, Rush, for taking...
Mrs. Clinton Blames Donald Trump and Talk Radio for Charleston Murders Jun 19, 2015RUSH: Hillary Clinton was on a PBS show in Nevada yesterday. I want you to listen to who she...
Apocalyptic, Fear-Mongering Liberalism Accelerates the Decline of Our Culture Jun 19, 2015RUSH: You know, folks, there’s been a running theme on the program this week, and that is the very...
Social Media in Sports Will Blur the Line Between Audience and Stage Jun 19, 2015RUSH: I want to start, before we get into the serious stuff, and there’s just way too much of...