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RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, it is that time of year that we creatively refer to around here as tea season. More specifically, it’s Two If By Tea season. And during these hot summer months, what could be better than a cold bottle of America’s best tasting iced tea, especially America’s best tea that is a proud sponsor of the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation?

Now, for those of you who are new to our program here, the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation is an incredible organization. They provide scholarships and financial aid to the children of fallen heroes, Marine men and women killed in action, lost in combat or other domestic tragedies on occasion, such as 9/11. That’s the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation. You talk about pass-through, 98, 99% of every dollar donated gets donated itself. Every dollar that you give, 99 cents of it is gonna end up with a recipient, a kid, a young person that’s gonna have a college scholarship. And we are honored and proud to sponsor the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation with Two If By Tea. We always have.

And in honor of Two If By Tea season — by the way, for those of you new to the program, Two If By Tea, Rush Revere is our spokesman, Rush Revere is our icon, Rush Revere and Liberty and the Rush Revere children’s book series, he’s the icon, he’s the face of our tea company.

This is the best tasting tea in the country. It literally is the best tasting iced tea in the country. I am an expert on this. And I’m not just saying it because it’s Rush Revere’s tea. It literally is. And in honor of this being Two If By Tea season and in honor of the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation we are going to send a special grand prize winner to the great islands of Hawaii.

Now, I was just there last week on a golf trip and it is as gorgeous and relaxing and tropical as ever. The grand prize winner will receive — by the way, we do prizes right. You know, we don’t give you the grand prize and have the rest of the trip cost you a lot of stuff money. Do you ever notice how many sweepstakes do that? They give you the grand prize and before you know it, it costs you money to make the trip. That ain’t us, folks. We don’t do that. I mean, we could do it. We could make it sound like you’re getting the best damn deal in the world and then only you would know how much it’s gonna cost you, but that’s not us.

Listen to this. The grand prize winner will receive round trip first class airfare. First class. We’re not gonna sardine you on a coach flight to Hawaii like most everybody else would. You’re gonna go first class all the way to Hawaii, and first class back. Some sweepstakes companies would leave you there, you gotta get back on your own. That’s not us. We’re gonna get you there first class. We’re gonna bring you home first class. We’re gonna put you up at a luxurious hotel, and we’re not just saying it’s a luxurious hotel, it’s a genuine luxury hotel. You’re not gonna end up at some motel five blocks away from the strip or wherever you want to be. You’re gonna end up in a genuine luxury hotel.

We are gonna take care of all the particulars while you’re there, and in addition to taking care of all the particulars, we’re gonna give you $2,000 in expense credit to spend while you’re there. Because we don’t want our winners to have to pay for anything, unless of course when you’re there you decide to buy a who knows what, maybe somebody from Vietnam selling $10,000 flat screens on the street corner. If you want one, we’re not gonna do that, but we’re gonna give you two grand in expense credit to spend while you’re there. In other words, you can do this whole trip and not cost a dime, folks.

Here’s how you enter to win this. Starting right now and through Friday at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time, anybody that shops for a case of the best tea in America will be automatically entered to win. That’s it. You are automatically entered just by shopping. And we have discounted the tea. We always do this, too. Most people would jack up the price, knowing full well we’re gonna generate a lot of traffic. We are cutting the price. We have discounted the tea for these two days only and we are including shipping. Most people would charge you for the shipping and ship it ground and you’d get it in 28 days. You’re gonna get it in two days, we’re gonna pay for it.

It is well worth going to www.RushRevere.com and shopping right now. And I did say RushRevere.com. We have moved the Two If By Tea website over to RushRevere.com, since Rush Revere is the spokesperson and he demanded it. He said, “Why in the world is the tea site over there instead of on my site?” And I had a tough time disagreeing with that. So Two If By Tea is now underneath the Rush Revere umbrella. So you just go to RushRevere.com and you’ll find everything going on about Rush Revere and the books and Liberty and right there is the Two If By Tea site, you go shop and you’re entered.

Now, in addition to the grand prize, most people, that’d be it. With us, we keep going. There will be first, second, third, and fourth place winners totaling 27 additional winners of fantastic prizes, like a brand-new $1,600 grill for the summer, $500 worth of Allen Brothers steak to use on the grill. I mean, this is an awesome deal, folks, and there’s nothing chintzy about it and there’s nothing phony about it and there’s nothing that’s designed to lure you in that’s gonna separate you from your money big time once you get there.

This is all exactly as I have said. We got the grand prize winner. We got first, second, third and fourth place winners, 27 additional winners, such as a $1,600 grill. And that’s not a cheap grill. It’s the best grill you can buy for $1,600 bucks. We have seen to that. And Allen Brothers steaks, you can’t beat ’em. So all you have to do is go to www.RushRevere.com and shop for Two If By Tea right now to be automatically entered to win.

Now, you might be saying to yourself, “Well, this doesn’t work for me because I’m afraid of flying, or I have an allergy to Hawaii, or I just can’t go.” That’s not a problem because, you know what, most people wouldn’t let you transfer if you won it. If you won and couldn’t go, it’d be tough toenails. Not with us. If you win it and don’t want to go or can’t go, you can gift the prize to the person of your choice. Let’s say you win and you can’t go and there’s somebody you really want out of town for a week, give it to ’em. Or somebody you really love, you can’t go, give it to them. It’s one heck of a gift.

We do not slouch, folks. We don’t slouch on prizes and we don’t slouch on follow-up after you have won a prize. It’s real simple. By 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on Friday, just go to www.RushRevere.com and shop for Two If By Tea and you’ll be automatically entered to win. All the official rules are posted right there.

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