It’s Two If By Tea Sweepstakes Season! Jun 18, 2015RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, it is that time of year that we creatively refer to around here as tea...
Callers Weigh in on Trump Jun 18, 2015RUSH: Here’s Gilbert in Phoenix. Gilbert, great to have you on the program. Hi.CALLER: Hey, Rush,...
Could Obamacare Break Uber? Jun 18, 2015RUSH: Something else on the radar today, big, potentially big. An Uber driver in California...
Unearthed 1994 Audio Sheds Light on the Clintons’ Obsession with This Show Jun 18, 2015RUSH: The Washington Free Beacon has the story. Actually, a lot of different websites have the...
As Americans Lose Faith in Everything, the San Francisco 49ers Change Everything to Accommodate Millennials Jun 18, 2015RUSH: There’s a Gallup survey out, a Gallup poll out. Americans have lost confidence —...
The Pope Throws the Left a Curve Jun 18, 2015RUSH: The pope, ladies and gentlemen, the pope has thrown one of the biggest curveballs at the...
Obama Politicizes Charleston Murders Jun 18, 2015RUSH: Dylann Storm Roof is this guy’s name. They’ve captured him. They captured him 245 miles away...