
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: Okay, so I officially today announced that I identify as skinny. From this day going forward, I am skinny. Now, in the old days, people’s reaction to that would be to call me delusional and maybe think I needed some help. Today, I’m brave. It’s a courageous act to identify as skinny when one is not. I’m sure I will get accolades all across Twitter and accolades all across Facebook, and accolades all across the Drive-By Media for positive thinking, now that I identify as skinny. And I’m fully expecting that Weight Watchers and others will identify with me and welcome me to the fold as a skinny, since I now identify that way. The way I see myself is the way I am, not how you see me, and if you don’t see me that way, you’re the bigot. I’m brave!

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