My Advice for AppleÂ’s News App Jun 16, 2015RUSH: Here is Kim in Hartford, Connecticut. Great to have you. I’m glad you waited, Kim....
I’m So Quotable, I Don’t Even Remember Some of the Great Stuff I Say Jun 16, 2015RUSH: Yesterday on the radio. This is NPR radio, public radio, in New York City, the Brian Lehrer...
The Latest Rachel Dolezal Absurdity Jun 16, 2015RUSH: There is video, apparently, of Rachel Dolezal saying the N-word. In a series of videos of...
Video Introduces Rush Revere in Spanish Jun 16, 2015RUSH: We have posted a new video to Facebook, — the Rush Revere...
Dr. Benjamin Carson Is a More Accomplished Human Being Than Any Media Clown Could Ever Hope to Be Jun 16, 2015RUSH: High Point, North Carolina, Scott wants to weigh in on the Trump announcement. Greetings,...
I, Rush Limbaugh, Identify as Skinny Jun 16, 2015RUSH: Okay, so I officially today announced that I identify as skinny. From this day going...
Trump’s Message Will Resonate Jun 16, 2015RUSH: Well, well, well, well, Snerdley and I just spent the last half hour sitting here watching...
The Pope’s Leaked Marxist Climate Rant Jun 16, 2015RUSH: There’s been a leak of a papal encyclica, and essentially what this papal encyclica is...