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RUSH: Have you seen the box office success of this new Jurassic Park movie, Jurassic World? I mean, it’s just like the second biggest opening of a movie anywhere, anytime in the history of movies. And you know who the happiest person about that has to be is Hillary, because she’s from there. Do you know Hillary’s even out there saying she doesn’t know if people want to watch her age?


RUSH: Of course Mrs. Clinton. Mrs. Clinton goes out and re-announces her campaign or relaunches it because the first one, nobody noticed what she was doing. She goes to Roosevelt Island in New York City and sounds like a robot making this speech with the weird emphasis on weird words in every sentence. She just really did not sound human, and I mean that. It sounded robotic. It sounded digital and electronic. The idea that Hillary Clinton represents the best that…? Do you realize how many…? No matter where you look in the Democrat Party, everybody prominent in that party is a fraud of one thing or another.


RUSH: “Clinton Campaign Denies Access to Pool Reporter.” Is a Politico story. ” “The Hillary Clinton campaign denied access to the print pool reporter on Monday, reigniting reporters’ longstanding concerns about the campaign’s commitment to running an open and transparent campaign.” What…? Who in the world thought it was ever gonna be that? What dunderhead ever believed that it was going to be an open and transparent campaign? We’re talking about the Clintons here.

It’s obvious what the pool reporter needs to do: Make a donation to one of the many Clinton foundations. It turns out there may be more of those than we’ve even heard of, folks. “David Martosko, the US political editor for London’s Daily Mail, reported showing up at the campaign’s breakfast stop in New Hampshire only to be told that he would not be allowed to pool the day’s events.” For those of you in Rio Linda, this has nothing to do with that story in McKinney, Texas, the pool down there.

In journalism, when they let one reporter in to cover it for every reporter, it’s called a pool. One reporter reports and covers the news for everybody in the press party. That person, the one reporter let in, is called the pool reporter. ‘Cause he’s reporting for the pool (i.e., the rest of the journalists not allowed in). And the Clinton campaign didn’t let the pool reporter in, which means they didn’t let the press in. If you don’t let the pool reporter in, the print pool, then you’re not letting anybody in on the print side.

As it even says here, “Pool reporters are responsible for sending reports from the trail to the rest of the press corps,” and it’s obvious what reporters are gonna have to do is pay. That’s how you get access to the Clintons. They’ve made it abundantly clear. Hell’s bells, folks, did you see this from the Washington Free Beacon? Headline from June 7th. This is… (interruption) Yeah, split scene. “Clinton Donated $100K to New York Times Group the Same Year Paper Endorsed Her.”

I mean, it’s incestuous. By the way, I have a technique. I have an idea. I have a suggestion for reporters and the media covering the Clintons. There’s a line that could be said after most everything Hillary pledges or claims or states in a campaign speech, a single line that could be used. I’ll demonstrate. “Hillary, in her campaign relaunch, reset, rewind speech yesterday said that her candidacy was ‘in the name of everyone who has ever been knocked down but refused to be knocked out.'”

“Ambassador Stevens could not be reached for comment.”

Let me give you another example. Hillary said, “You’re also not gonna see me shrink from a fight.”

“Ambassador Stevens could not be reached for comment.”

“If you’ll give me the chance, I will wage and win four fights for you.”

Ambassador Stevens could not be reached for comment.

We’re talking about the presidency here. We’re talking about the next commander-in-chief. She’s out there making all of these claims of bravery, problem solving and so forth. Meanwhile, one of her own ambassadors could not be reached for comment because Hillary didn’t do any of those things to try to help her save him.

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