Clyburn Warns: Be Very, Very Careful May 27, 2015RUSH: I mentioned that James Clyburn, the former head honcho, the Congressional Black Caucasians...
Obamacare Was a Giant Lie and Should Be Scrapped — Like the Republicans Promised May 27, 2015RUSH: Speaking of Obamacare, there’s a great, great piece today at the Less Government website I...
You Better Listen to What Marco Rubio Is Saying About the Assault on Christianity May 27, 2015RUSH: This is the Christian Broadcasting Network, CBN, chief political correspondent David Brody...
Liberals Fear Courts Could Overturn Obama’s Legacy May 27, 2015RUSH: Got these two stories here. One is in the Washington Post, and the other is in The Politico,...
Gallup Signals the GOP: Abandon the Bitter Clingers in Your Backwards Base May 27, 2015RUSH: A new Gallup poll out. Headline: “Americans Continue to Shift Left on Key Moral...
Lib Author Calls Me a Racist Propagandist on NPR (and Silences Kirsten Powers) May 27, 2015RUSH: This is last on NPR’s On Point. They have a guest host of this program named Jane Clayson....
FIFA and the Clintons in Cahoots on Typical Socialist-Style Corruption May 27, 2015RUSH: FIFA. When I first heard about this, I was stunned. We’ve got a new attorney general, and...