Two Books You Should Read: Zev Chafets and Kirsten Powers

by Rush Limbaugh - May 15,2015

RUSH: Now, I mentioned a couple of books. You know, Zev Chafets has written a mini-biography of me in a New York Times Sunday magazine profile of me, and he’s also put together a book of conservative commencement addresses. It’s based on the fact that conservatives are not asked to give commencement addresses. They just are frozen out. Some have. He’s compiled them. He went to a bunch of high-powered conservatives and asked for permission to reprint their commencement addresses.

I have not given a major college commencement address. I have at a couple of high schools. He said, “But I know that you have said on the air what you would say if you did one, right?” And I said, “Yeah,” and he included it. Anyway, the Washington Post has a review of his book today that is just unbelievable. It’s called Remembering Who We Are: A Treasury of Conservative Commencement Addresses, edited by Zev Chafets. It features speeches by Roger Ailes, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ben Carson, Bill O’Reilly, Justice Scalia, me.

The Washington Post read it and said (summarized), “You know what? These conservative commencement speeches are so much better than what the libs give. They’re personal, they’re inspiring, they’re uplifting.” I kid you not. I kid you not. It’s the Washington Post. I don’t have the first page, I can’t remember the author’s name but it’s Remembering Who We Are: A Treasury of Conservative Commencement Addresses, edited by Zev Chafets, and the Washington Post not only reviews the book as a great book by points out after reading some of these speeches that they’re much better than liberal commencement speeches.

So I wanted to point that out, because it’s timely. This is. This is commencement time now, and there aren’t any conservatives invited to give speeches at major universities. Yesterday I told you about Kirsten Powers’ book, The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech. I forgot to mention something it’s very crucial for you to understand. She has… What’s the right way to put this? She found the God. She was not an atheist, but she has become a Christian, and it’s fundamental to the evolution that she’s going through that enables her, as a liberal, to see the shocking silencing efforts by people that she considered her friends.

She’s even falling prey to it now; they’re trying to shut her up. Folks, there are all kinds of examples here that, in her book of efforts the left is making — some successful — killing free speech, and it’s fascinating to read this from a left-wing perspective. It is utterly fascinating, and the passion in this book, so I wanted to remind you of that, Kirsten Powers, The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech, and Zev Chafets, Remembering Who We Are: A Treasury of Conservative Commencement Addresses.

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