Who Knew? I’m All Over the SONY Hack

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 17,2015

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RUSH: The Sony hack. Folks, have you seen that WikiLeaks has put everything from the Sony hack up on their website? They have digitalized everything from the Sony hack so that it is now searchable. I saw that late yesterday afternoon as I was starting to prepare for today’s program, but I didn’t search anything. I didn’t go in there and look at anything.

At about nine or ten o’clock last night I started getting e-mails. “Rush, you are all over the Sony hack.”

And I said, “What?”

“Yeah, you are, you’re all over the Sony hack.”

In the summary that WikiLeaks publishes along with the searchable database, they mention that the company Sony Pictures Entertainment is practically in bed with the Democrat Party. It turns out that I am all over this leak because J.J. Abrams, any number of producers, directors, that are participating with the Democrats in fundraising are using my name in their fundraising e-mails and misquotes of supposed insults that I have come out with over the years and so forth. Who would have thought that I would have been involved in this hack?

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