Another Satisfied 10-Year-Old

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 2,2015

RUSH: Who’s next? This is Nathan. Nathan is in Bettendorf, Iowa, and Nathan, my friends, is another satisfied 10-year-old on the way to becoming a big EIB Network fan. He’s a Rush Revere fan. How are you doing, Nathan?

CALLER: Good, Rush.

RUSH: Well, thank you.

CALLER: I just want to say how awesome your books are.

RUSH: Well, I appreciate that, Nathan. Thank you. Thank you very much. I really appreciate you taking the time to call and tell me that.

CALLER: You’re welcome. I also want to tell you that one of the first songs that I learned when I was either four or five was Banking Queen.


RUSH: You like that from when you were four or five years old?

CALLER: Yes, I did.

RUSH: Well, that’s just cool. So you had to be listening with your mom and dad back then?

CALLER: Yeah, we were listening back then.

RUSH: And at four and five years old, you knew enough to like the song Banking Queen?


RUSH: Wow. Well, what do you like best about the Rush Revere books, Nathan?

CALLER: Probably the horse Liberty. I like how funny he tries to be.

RUSH: Yeah, he’s a funny smart-aleck.


RUSH: But he’s a lovable, likable smart-aleck.

CALLER: I agree with you.

RUSH: Well, have you read all three?

CALLER: Yes. I have just finished the last one, last year.

RUSH: Well, that’s cool. Well, I’ll tell you what I want to do. If you’ll hang on here, I want to send you some stuff from Liberty and Revere. Among them, I’m gonna send you the audio CDs of all three books. Since you’ve read them, if you want to revisit them, you can just listen to them.


RUSH: I, of course, do the expert reading of the books, which is an added dimension. If you like Banking Queen, I’m sure that you’ll enjoy the audio versions of the books.

CALLER: Okay. Rush, and the last thing I want to say is… Shoot, I’m trying to remember now. Um…

RUSH: Well, I’ll tell you what: If you hang on, we’re gonna play Banking Queen in your honor, and while we’re playing Banking Queen, you sit there — do not hang up — and you try to remember what the last thing you wanted to say is, okay?


RUSH: Maybe Banking Queen here will inspire you to remember it. (playing of song) This was his favorite song when he was four or five years old. Barney Frank and the Banking Queen. Yes. (continued playing of song) White comedian Paul Shanklin, memorializing the subprime mortgage crisis. (continued playing of song) In the voice of Barney Frank. (continued playing of song) Okay, there you go. That’s by request from Nathan, 10 years old, in Bettendorf, Iowa. Okay, Nathan, were you able to remember what the last question you had was?


RUSH: Okay. What is it?

CALLER: It was that when I was reading your books, we had just started the Revolutionary War unit, and just recently we read an article about Paul Revere. In one of your books, Rush Revere was with Paul Revere, and that book gave me knowledge. I knew like most of the things. That book gave me a lot of knowledge, so I knew most of the things in the article that we had read.

RUSH: That is awesome. That is music to my ears. Did you have the same kind of reaction when you heard, if you did hear, about the time capsule they found from Paul Revere and Samuel Adams?

CALLER: Yeah. I was super happy to hear about that.

RUSH: Wasn’t that cool? You knew what it was all about, ’cause you’d read the book.


RUSH: You knew who those two guys were, so when they found that time capsule, and you probably were really interested to know what was in it.

CALLER: I was very interested to see the copy of the Boston Daily.

RUSH: Nathan, that is so cool. You’re just perfect. You’re one of the reasons we write these. You epitomize why we’re doing this. This is great. So, once again, hang on here, ’cause need to get your address, or did Mr. Snerdley already get your address?

CALLER: I can’t remember.

RUSH: Well, then make sure he’s got it because we want to send you a little goody package. All right?


RUSH: FedEx is how we send things, so we’ll need an address that works. Make sure your parents say it’s okay, too.

CALLER: They say it’s okay.

RUSH: Yeah, I’m sure.

CALLER: I just want to say, thank you for playing

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