Rush Revere Spawns 8-Year-Old Activist; Liberty Delivers Books to Toys for Tots

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 12,2014

RUSH: Here’s Chris in South Windsor, Connecticut. It’s great to have you on the program. Welcome.

CALLER: Hey, there Rush. I’m glad to talk to you. I wanted to tell you that you’ve been talking about what we can do to get the message out. Well, you’re not only entertaining children with those books that you have written, but you’re really making advocates of them, and I’d like to tell you about my eight-year-old granddaughter. She was so moved by the books that she has written to Obama, to our state representatives, and our federal representatives. She’s told them she’s interested in history. She told them she’s upset about taxes and that she would like to see them cut taxes back and included a picture of herself at Halloween where she was dressed as her hero, George Washington, the father of our country.

Now, she’s a small female African-American child, so it’s quite a picture. And she has sent those off. You’re doing what needs to be done, Rush. My husband has a master’s degree in early American history and he read each of your three books and was thrilled with the factual accuracy, and she was thrilled that you combined history and horses, her two favorite things. When your second book came out she said, “Oh, Grandma, I just hope he comes out with a third one soon.” And I said, “Well, I’ll call him, Annabelle, and see.” And she said, “Wait. You know Rush Limberg?” which is what she thought your name was, and I said, “Yes,” and she said, “Oh, Grandma, I hope I have at least two kids born before you die so that they can meet you. You are so important that you know him.” (laughing)

RUSH: Chris, don’t hang up, whatever you do, don’t hang up. I’ve run out of time here for this segment. I can’t move it, but I want to keep talking, so don’t hang up.


RUSH: Back to Chris in South Windsor, Connecticut. You’re talking about your eight-year-old granddaughter, is that right?


RUSH: Eight-year-old granddaughter. And you said she’s African-American, and you said she has become an activist?

CALLER: Yes, she has. And she’s been invited by state representative — she’s had two of her letters answered so far, both by state representatives, and she’s been invited to tour the Capitol. One of them told her that he pledged to not raise taxes for the rest of this term. And she, of course, feels very good about that, and she’s learning at eight that, at least she’s thinking, that her letter can make a difference, that her action can make a difference, and that’s something that you’re teaching, Rush, when you’re giving the children books like that.

RUSH: Now, where do you think, Chris, your eight-year-old granddaughter learned about taxes?

CALLER: Well, she learned from your book.

RUSH: The Tea Party —

CALLER: She learned about the Tea Party, and she writes, “I especially don’t like taxes on tea.”

RUSH: (laughing)

CALLER: And she’s also read other books, not just yours. She included in her letter that she liked all early American history except the duels. She didn’t like shooting at duels. (laughing) But she’s learning more than just reading and absorbing and being educated, like what those books do. She’s learning somehow that reaching out and trying to act upon what she believes is a valorous thing, and it brings response.

RUSH: Well, I wanted to hold you over because I wanted to sincerely thank you. I didn’t have a whole lot of time in the last segment, and I didn’t want to be rude hanging up, but I wanted to acknowledge, you said your husband has a master’s degree in —

CALLER: In early American history, yes.

RUSH: Yeah. And he attested to the accuracy of the books, and I wanted to especially thank you for that.

CALLER: Well, it’s interesting, Rush, because when I read the part about, the information about whether we were gonna have socialism here in America or whether we were gonna have a free market society, I couldn’t imagine that really said in Bradford’s papers. So of course he runs upstairs and comes down from the library, and he reads it to me, and it’s just about word-for-word what you’ve got in there. Of course you’ve got it in language that Annabelle can understand.

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: But it’s absolutely accurate, and it’s so different from what my children in the public schools are getting. There’s such a different slant.

RUSH: Look, I didn’t learn about Bradford in school, either. You know, my education was not as distorted as people’s is today, and even I received about half of the story of the original Thanksgiving, the popularized version. But I can’t thank you enough, because your call is a supreme validation in practically every day, and it means so much. I appreciate it, Chris.

And if you would hang on, I want to get an address where we can send your granddaughter a little packet of Rush Revere stuff, if you would be so kind. Don’t hang up. Mr. Snerdley will be on soon and get your address. We want to send a little gift package that we send to a lot of people, so I appreciate that.


RUSH: Folks, I’ll tell you what we did today at Rush Revere. We sent Liberty — the time-traveling, talking horse — with a whole bunch of books, the latest book, Rush Revere and the American Revolution, to a US Marine Corps Reserve program collecting unwrapped toys for Toys for Tots.

Liberty delivered a whole bunch of books to the Toys for Tots program today, and there’s a great picture. There is a great picture that we have posted. There are a lot of great pictures from readers and families who are sending us videos and pictures all of this at our Facebook page. But we’ve got a picture of Liberty actually delivering a box, I mean thousands. We have a couple thousand books. It’s Toys for Tots.

Liberty delivered ’em in a truck. We got a picture of this at Facebook.com/RushRevere. For those of you who have children or grandchildren who read these books and love them and think that Liberty is their favorite character, this would be for them to see. In fact, it’s Liberty who demanded that I mention this to you. Liberty demanded. It. He’s out there. He’s on Facebook. He’s got his picture all over the place giving away books that he wants you to see it.

So it’s at Facebook.com/RushRevere, Liberty and a special donation delivery to Toys for Tots, the Marine Corps Reserve program dedicated to providing unwrapped gifts to children and those less fortunate. You know, that was one of my first ever charitable involvements. When I was in Pittsburgh, first radio job… Actually I was in McKeesport, which suburb of Pittsburgh, and the radio station had a… No, I take it back.

This is not what the first one. KQV. Anyway, it was at the… I think it was the Monroeville Mall. Anyway, they sent met out there. The station had an official relationship with Toys for Tots, and they sent me out to this mall for a couple hours. It was Christmastime, it was in the mall, it was snowing outside, and for some reason I’ve always remembered it. We had a Marine there in full dress uniform accepting presents, people go into stores and buy the gifts and bring ’em out and donate ’em to the Marines.

The Steelers sent a player over, John “Frenchy” Fuqua. (interruption) Who?! John “Frenchy” Fuqua is the only human being who really knows what happened during the Immaculate Reception. He is the only man alive who knows who that pass first hit and then bounced to Franco Harris. And back then, that mattered. The ball could not bounce off an offensive player and be recovered by another offensive player. That was not allowed at the time.

The pass had to be deflected by a defensive player — in this case, one of the Oakland Raiders. The pass was for Frenchy Fuqua. I forget who the Raiders defender was. I know this. I’m just having a mental block. Jack Tatum? And the pictures are inconclusive, but he’s the only guy who knows. He has vowed never to say. He promises at every speech he’ll tell. He opens every speech by telling ’em he’s gonna tell ’em at the end of the speech, and he never does.

But he was the guy. I didn’t know who Frenchy Fuqua was at the time, and I’d barely been there long enough to become a Steelers fan. But he was the guy that ran around with fish shoes. He had high heels with goldfish in them, clear plastic heels with goldfish. Well, he was ahead of his time in terms of attire. He was one of the funniest guys. Still is. But that was… Toys for Tots was one of the first charitable things that I ever had anything to do with is the point.

And it’s always memorable because it was such a great moment. It was seasonally perfect. It was snowing outside. It was in a mall. Everybody was happy. It was cold and wintry. It was exactly what you would expect at Christmastime, and everybody seemed to be generous and going into stores, buying things, and bringing ’em and donating to the Marine that was out there in dress uniform.

A couple players from the Pittsburgh Penguins, the hockey team, showed up too. It was a fun time. We all ended up going someplace for a beer afterwards, and it was… (laughing) I remember Frenchy Fuqua coming in and “I am Frenchy Fuqua!” introducing himself, and pointing to the goldfish in his shoes. That… (laughing) Everybody thought that was a myth, but no. It was actually true.

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