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RUSH: Oh, by the way (sigh), this is so hilarious. On Fox News Sunday, one of the comments I made to Chris Wallace was the president should be uplifting and inspiring; instead, he and the mayor are running around talking like there hasn’t been any progress in this country in race relations in 200 years.

Well, it turns out that on Friday — two days before I appeared on Fox — Obama appeared on Black Entertainment TV and did an interview in which he acknowledged that there has been some progress. So now the media is saying, “Obama has responded to Limbaugh and buried Limbaugh!” Well, I didn’t know what Obama said on Friday, and neither did the press. He did the interview Friday; it wasn’t released until yesterday.

So they’re portraying Obama responding to me — and, of course, nuking me.

Obama made his comments before I even showed up on Fox News Sunday.

It’s just classic the way they try to characterize and misreport what actually went on. I must have really hit a lot of home runs on Sunday, because man, oh, man.

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