“Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” Didn’t Happen — But What Difference Does the Truth Make?

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 2,2014

RUSH: Yesterday during the discussion of the aftermath in Ferguson, Missouri, and what I characterized as power, not truth, taking place. The truth is a variable. The truth is definable based on who has the power to do that. They didn’t get what they wanted in Ferguson, so now they’re trying to — Rich Lowry had a great line in his column today. I think it was in the New York Post.

It was about the aftermath of Ferguson, and it was about the meeting at the White House with Sharpton and Obama and Eric Holder. And Lowry said (paraphrasing), “Well, what are they gonna do? What are they gonna do now? What are they gonna do to win? Are they gonna go out and find another cop to falsely accuse of racial assassination and attempt to railroad into an indictment or conviction? What are they gonna do?”

I got to thinking, how would you like to be a police officer right now in this climate? If you’re a police officer in this climate you almost might conclude, you see a crime in action, whatever kind of crime, a robbery or somebody beating somebody else up, you maybe just don’t do anything. Just let it happen, particularly if there’s a racial component involved. Just don’t even go there. Just let the crime happen. The safer route might be to just to let that happen given the climate that’s out there right now.

I mean, they didn’t get what they wanted in Ferguson and they’re gonna get it somewhere, they’re gonna find it somewhere, and Obama and the boys are now trying to re-create the scenario that what happened in Ferguson, the grand jury, all of that’s irrelevant. What now matters is how people feel about this. In the House of Representatives today the Congressional Black Caucus, the Congressional Black Caucasians, walked in with their hands up saying, “Don’t shoot.” (interruption) No, I’m not kidding you. And it was led by a guy named Hakeem Jeffries.

Do you remember the name Leonard Jeffries? Does the name Leonard Jeffries ring a bell? It does? Leonard Jeffries was the notorious chairman of the black studies department at CUNY New York, City University of New York. Leonard Jeffries, Leonard Jeffries is the racist who promulgated the claim that Jews financed the slave trade and used the movie industry to hurt black people. Leonard Jeffries also claims that white people are ice people and black people are sun people.

Now, he was fired by CUNY after a time. I mean, they tried to hang in there and be tough, but Jeffries was fired by CUNY for all of this. He sued the school to get reinstated claiming all he was doing was exercising his First Amendment rights. So it was his son leading the Congressional Black Caucasians into the House today. Hakeem Jeffries leading the Congressional Black Caucus into the House chamber — we have it on audiotape. Here it is. This is Hakeem. It’s actually last night on the House floor. This is what happened.

JEFFRIES: Let me now yield to my good friend, the distinguished congresswoman who represents the neighboring district at home in Brooklyn. She’s a fighter for justice, a voice for the voiceless, and it’s now my privilege to yield to Congresswoman Yvette Clarke.

CLARKE: Hands up, don’t shoot. I thank my colleague and friend, Mr. Jeffries.

RUSH: See, it used to be: “I thank the gentleman of New York for yielding” and then you go into your spiel. But now the Congressional Black Caucasians are saying, “Hands up, don’t shoot,” Mr. Chairman. (interruption) Each other and the chairman, yeah, the Speaker. Hands up, don’t shoot, Mr. Speaker. I thank my colleague and friend, Hakeem Jeffries, noted progeny of the famous Leonard Jeffries, CUNY New York. Last night on the House floor — you know, I’m gonna circle back to this, but this Rams business and those players coming out, the five Rams players during player introductions and raising their arms, raising their hands and the quote “don’t shoot,” I’m telling you there’s gonna be blowback on this.

Maybe they know it, but this is gonna be a bigger problem than the NFL realizes. I don’t know if I should spend time detailing what I think the problems gonna be, just let it happen and then say afterwards “I told you. I told you.” There’s already some blowback. I don’t even know if the Rams are aware of it, but I’ll tell you why people are getting fed up. Here come these guys out raising their hands in uniform, “Hands up, don’t shoot,” the grand jury, it didn’t happen! The grand jury established factually that that didn’t happen, and everybody knows this.

This is my point about truth and power and how power overpowers truth if it’s in the right or, depending on your perspective, wrong hands. But an effort is being made to convince as many people as possible that the Gentle Giant was surrendering, that he had his hands up and this racist cop assassinated him. This racist cop went hunting, he found the Gentle Giant, he raised his hands, he surrendered, and he got shot. And that’s not what happened, and the grand jury and the autopsy and every shred of evidence that was heard disproves it. And yet here come these players with their hands up. They’re clueless.

So who’s telling these players whatever it is they know? I’m sorry. Hakeem Jeffries is the nephew of Leonard Jeffries, not the son. It’s a minor point. But I want to be correct here. There’s nothing wrong with being Leonard Jeffries’ son, don’t misunderstand. I’m just saying he’s a nephew. Well, still sun people, right. And I’m still an ice guy. That hasn’t changed. But who’s telling these players what it is they believe? That didn’t happen. Hands were not raised, he didn’t say “I surrender,” and he didn’t get shot in that circumstance. (interruption) Oh, I know, I know the entire thing. I know who’s telling ’em. I’m asking rhetorically, but the point is, they’re believing it.

They were asked about it, “Well, no, no, we just wanted to show support for the community.” What community? The community knows this didn’t happen. The community knows, and I don’t mean just the black community, the community of Ferguson, St. Louis, knows it didn’t happen. And now there’s a big spat. The Police Officers Association wanted an apology from the Rams, and they think they got one. And then the Rams said, “Oh, no, you didn’t. We called you, and we sent you a note, but we didn’t apologize.” The Rams are making tracks to the media, “We did not apologize. Our players are free citizens and can say or do things, and it’s up to them.”

But I have the commissioner on tape suggesting that kind of behavior would not be tolerated in the NFL, if, say, somebody like me was involved. So, anyway, there’s blowback over whether or not there’s been an apology, with the cops thinking they got one. The Rams could have just said, “Okay, fine.” But instead, “No, no, we didn’t! We didn’t! We want to be very clear about this.” (interruption) Well, that’s the point. Eric Holder’s gonna end racial profiling, and Obama said he had a meeting up there yesterday at the White House with Al Sharpton, who may as well be the vice president now, and said — in fact, let me grab that sound bite. I’ve put it at the bottom of the Stack. This is Obama yesterday at the Old Executive Office Building, the OEO, after meeting with law enforcement community leaders. We have two sound bites, they both matter. Here’s the first one.

OBAMA: Ferguson laid bare a problem that is not unique to St. Louis or that area and is not unique to our time, and that is a simmering distrust that exists between too many police departments and too many communities of color, too many individuals, particularly young people of color do not feel as if they are being treated fairly. And as I said last week, when any part of the American family does not feel like it is being treated fairly, that’s a problem for all of us.

RUSH: Okay, so, you see, ladies and gentlemen, the truth is irrelevant here, the truth doesn’t matter, the grand jury results don’t matter. It’s instead how people feel about it, and it’s also a point that I made yesterday about why I could never succeed in politics because politics is not about what is. Politics is not about the way things are. Politics is about the way things seem.

And this is Obama trying to make things seem like it doesn’t matter what the grand jury said, doesn’t matter, none of that matters. What matters is that I have constituents of mine, they’re young people of color, and they don’t think they’re being treated fairly. Throughout the country, not just in Ferguson, but all over the country. And as long as that’s going on, as long as any part of the American family doesn’t feel like it’s being treated fairly, that’s a problem for all of us. I don’t care what the grand jury said. I don’t care what the facts of the case are, doesn’t matter.

So you see, the first black president acknowledges that his presence has not mattered a whit in improving race relations, and not only have they not mattered a whit, he is going to capitalize on the fact that he has failed to smooth over race relations. He’s going to take advantage of it. He’s going to use it. Here’s the next bite which illustrates that.

OBAMA: Part of the reason this time will be different is because the president of the United States is deeply invested in making sure that this time is different.

RUSH: Stop the tape. Every African-American in this audience, look at me, look at your radio, look at me. We are at the end of the sixth year of the historic presidency of the first African-American elected to be president in this country. And he just said less than 24 hours ago this time is gonna be different because this time the president is invested in making sure this time is different. What’s been going on these last six years, then? Why is he only getting involved in this kind of thing now?

How many of you, shall I say ice people, voted for Obama hoping that his election would be the end of this kind of BS and you’re hearing him say (imitating Obama) “all right, all right, it’s gonna be different this time because the president of the United States is involved, is gonna be deeply invested in making sure this time is different.” This time’s gonna be different? How’s it gonna be different? The grand jury spoke, the grand jury had reams and reams of evidence. We know what happened. What do you mean, we’re gonna make it different? I don’t know.


RUSH: In our first sound bite that we played of Obama, he starts out by saying, “Ferguson laid bare a problem that’s not unique to St. Louis or that area.” What was laid bare? What problem was laid bare in Ferguson? I’m serious. I know I’m a naturally funny guy but I’m not trying to be funny here, and I’m not trying to be outrageous. Would somebody tell me what problem was laid bare in Ferguson?

That it’s a problem you can’t attack a cop, you can’t rob a convenience store, you can’t try to take a cop’s gun — and we gotta change that? What problem was laid bare? The problem in Ferguson, we’re being led to believe, is the cops. The problem in Ferguson is the cops are making the residents nervous and feel like second-class citizens. What’d the cop…? It’s a civil rights issue.

Folks, it’s 180 degrees out of phase. It is senseless. What problem was laid bare? Now Obama’s out there saying, “We’re gonna put cameras on every cop.” By the way, just as a side note, that didn’t come out of yesterday’s meeting. Obama advanced that idea way back long before the election. He’s just trying to revive it to get credit for it in this aftermath. But how is a camera on a cop going to clean up criminal activity in a community?

If you want to put cameras on people, you need to put out a message: “Hey, members of the community,” whatever community, “if you’re gonna rob a convenience store you must first come and attach this Obama body cam so that we will have clear evidence of how somebody unfairly stopped you from robbing the convenience store.” What…? This is so out of whack, this is so out of phase, that people are gonna go insane trying to keep it all straight — which is the idea, in part.

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