Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber: We Lied and Counted on the Stupidity of the American Voter

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 10,2014

RUSH: Have you seen or heard the audio snippet of the actual author of Obamacare? His name is Jonathan Gruber. He is a professor at MIT, a professor of economics.

He wrote both Romneycare and he wrote Obamacare. “Oh, yeah, he’s a brilliant, smart guy! Oh, totally smart guy.” Almost a year ago, in October of 2013, he was in Philadelphia speaking at the 24th Annual Health Economics Conference, and he spoke about Obamacare and how and what they had to do to make it a reality.

I want you to listen to how this prominent Democrat, prominent leftist professor of economics at MIT addresses you and references you and speaks of you, the American people, and — be it in Obamacare or anything else they want done — what they have to do in order to get their agenda forward.

GRUBER: This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies, okay? So it’s written to do that. In terms of risk-rated subsidies, if you had a law which said healthy people are gonna pay in… If you made it explicit the healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed, okay? Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of American voter or whatever. But basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.

RUSH: In other words, they had to lie to you, and they relied on your stupidity. They counted on your stupidity to believe their lies such as, “You get to keep your doctor and you get to keep your health insurance plan,” such as, “Your premiums are gonna come down,” such as, “No they’re not taxes! There’s no way they’re taxes. No, no, no. And you’re gonna get subsidies if you can’t afford it, so don’t sweat it. Everything’s gonna be fine.”

The media carried the lie forward, and it was all based on their belief that you are too stupid to figure out what they’re doing. All they had to do was find a way to service your ignorance and your stupidity, and they could create support for the bill. But do you know what happened? There has never been majority support for this bill. That’s the one thing you must never lose sight of here. Don’t ever forget: They never did fool a majority of the American people.

This bill was rammed down the throats of the people this country on, what, Christmas Eve in 2010, and there wasn’t one Republican vote in it. There never has been a Republican vote in favor of this. How many times…? I love this because it’s validation of what I’ve always known and what I’ve always said. They mask, they camouflage, they don’t dare admit what they really intend to do; you’d never support it. And they have contempt for the average American citizen.

The average American citizen is a dolt. “The stupidity of the American voter.” I’ll tell you where this has led. The Supreme Court’s gonna hear another phase of Obamacare, and that’s about the subsidies, and depending how this one goes… I don’t want to make any predictions, because the slam-dunk prediction on the first case on Obamacare, we were all wrong, because the Supreme Court chief justice decided to write the law himself in order avoid declaring it unconstitutional.

He thought, “Nah, I can’t do that! It’s the will of Congress. We can’t go up against will of the people and declare it unconstitutional.” So he rewrote the law to make it palatable. So anything’s possible here. But essentially a bunch of people have gotten subsidies that do not deserve them, that do not qualify for them. The only people who get subsidies are from the states, state exchanges, and most states did not set up an exchange.

Which means the federal government came in and, essentially, in violation of Obamacare, set up their own exchange and provided their own subsidies, which is not legal. And the Supreme Court decided to hear this case even though there hasn’t been any disagreement yet at the appellate level. They generally wait for that before taking a case, but they took this one right away, and that’s why people go, “Well, maybe — maybe — they’re eager to fix their first mistake.”

It’s dangerous to think that way.

But we’ve got violations of the law all over the place in this administration, and this one’s gonna go right back up to the Supreme Court.


RUSH: “Lack of transparency” was the key because “the stupidity of the American voter” would have killed Obamacare. That’s Jonathan Gruber. Once again, he’s an economics professor at MIT, and he said, “Lack of transparency,” meaning honesty. Lack of honesty was a major part of getting Obamacare passed because the stupidity of the American voter would have killed the law if more people knew what was in it.

There you go, America.

That is what the Democrat Party thinks of you.

This is not something new. He said this a year ago at a conference of economists, but it’s not new. This is how the Democrat Party thinks of most people, and it’s not hard to believe. They think most people are incapable of taking care of themselves, for example. Particularly women. They think most people are incompetent and will make the wrong decisions if living a life of self-reliance.

The Democrat Party thinks everybody’s a victim, primarily of America or of the Republican Party or of conservatives. They don’t dare be honest with you about what they believe. They know you wouldn’t vote for it, and that’s why you’re stupid. You don’t have the intelligence to see the brilliance of their ideas. What you have is the common sense to know they’re not good.

So this arrogant condescension is a commonplace point of view that is held by practical everybody, particularly at the top ranks of the Democrat Party. “The bill was written in a tortured way to make sure the CBO didn’t score the mandate as taxes.

“If it was taxes, it would kill it,” meaning: You don’t want to pay higher taxes. Even though you’re paying higher premiums, higher everything, they had to lie to you about that, otherwise you would have resoundingly opposed it and it wouldn’t have happened.

They couldn’t dare be honest with you.

They still can’t.


RUSH: Not only were the American people not fooled by the Democrat Party’s lies on Obamacare — again, it has never had majority support. Just like amnesty for illegals has not had majority support. Much of which this administration has done has been done against the will of the American people. The American people didn’t vote for what has happened in so many things. The Democrat Party knew it. The Democrat Party knows they would be rejected. They have been rejected in two elections, the 2010 midterms and 2014 midterms.

I don’t think people realize just how bad this is for the Democrat Party. It’s more than a wipeout, and it’s so well deserved. I can’t even begin to tell you. This has been so long in coming. This is a party which has knowingly lied to the American people, which has constantly held a majority of the American people in contempt as epitomized by Jonathan Gruber’s statement that they relied on the stupidity of the American voter — well, they had to do what they did because of the stupidity of the American voter. They had to lie about what was in Obamacare.

Yeah, they said it was under trillion dollars. The trillion-dollar figure was magical ’cause that’s what the Iraq war cost, and Obama was running around saying it’s no expense whatsoever, we’re simply gonna replace the… (interruption) Exactly right. Anybody and everybody listening to this program knew exactly what Obamacare was all about, but not just here. Everybody had the — well, not everybody, but, I mean, there were a lot of media outlets that had the truth about this bill from the get-go and the philosophy that was serving as its foundation. This bill never fooled a majority of the American people. And, you know what? This goes back to Hillarycare.

Hillarycare was never, ever supported by a majority Americans. It never had a prayer. The Democrat Party literally had to lie and literally ram this down the throats of this country because the American people didn’t want it. And the only way they could do it was to lie. That’s what lack of transparency means when this Gruber guy says that lack of transparency was a major part of getting Obamacare passed because the stupidity of the American voter would have killed the law if more people knew what was in it.

Grab sound bite 20 again. Listen to it again in his own words, Jonathan Gruber, MIT economics professor in Philadelphia, 24th annual Health Economics Conference.

GRUBER: This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies, okay? So it’s written to do that. In terms of risk-rated subsidies, if you had a law which said healthy people are gonna pay in… If you made it explicit the healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed, okay? Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of American voter or whatever. But basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.

He had one more sentence which followed this. He said, “Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.” So they had to lie. That’s what lack of transparency means. Lack of openness. Lack of honesty. They had to hide from you what was really in it. And of course these mandates are taxes, and they’re unconstitutional, and that’s what the Supreme Court punted on when they heard the case. They are taxes, and they’re taxes that the federal government’s not allowed to levy.

All of that’s beside the point. The American people never supported it. But even today that doesn’t matter. So it’s an extremely teachable moment. And now the law will end up back at the Supreme Court over the constitutionality of the subsidies that the Regime is passing out that probably are illegal. But that won’t be known until the court actually rules on this. Let me grab a call about this. We’ve got Pete in Altoona, Pennsylvania. Hey, Pete. I’m glad you called, and welcome to the program. Hello.

CALLER: Hi. My quick question for you is why do you think that this professor would say about this bill right now, why do you think that he would say he couldn’t be transparent and they had to be misleading about the bill now, after Republicans have taken majority in Congress and the House?

RUSH: Well, he said it a year ago.

CALLER: Oh, I’m sorry.

RUSH: He said it a year ago and the reason he said it was arrogance. He’s speaking to some like-minded economists at a conference of economists, the 24th Annual Health Economics Conference. So he was speaking to some like-minded people. This is on YouTube, by the way, one of these uncovered videos. The news media didn’t cover this. The Drive-By Media didn’t get this. This is a YouTube video from within the conference. This hasn’t made the mainstream media, folks.

He thought he was speaking to some like-minded people who were as smart as he and held the same basic opinion, low opinion of the American people, and he was relating to them. He was giving them the inside scoop. This is not a faux pas. He wasn’t misspeaking. You have to understand the arrogance these people walk around with and the conceit that they have. And, by the way, a year ago, the Supreme Court’s ruled, this guy thinks it’s home free now. It doesn’t matter what we say, they can’t stop it, they can’t do anything about it now. He wasn’t thinking about it being an election — and in fact it wasn’t a factor in the election. We hear about this after.

So it’s just arrogance and conceit, and the fact that he thought he was in a room with a bunch of like-minded people, that he could be open and honest about what they had to do. And, by the way, I’m gonna add to it. I’m sure that he thought he was being very brilliant. I mean, he was sharing with his audience what has to be done to make progressive things happen in this country. You’ve got to lie to the American people. “We can’t count on their intelligence to understand us. We cannot rely, because they do not have enough intelligence to keep up with us and to know how much wonderful that we have planned for them, so we have to lie to them.”

The real thing that offends them is that they even have to subject themselves to elections or their ideas even get put up to a vote. Obama has presided over two devastating defeats for the Democrat Party.

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