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RUSH: In Colorado, ladies and gentlemen, from TheHill.com, the headline: “Democrats ‘War on Women’ Falling Flat — “Colorado Democrats are fretting that Sen. Mark UdallÂ’s (D-CO) ‘war on women’ battle cry against Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO) is starting to sound like a broken record. After a series of polls this past month have shown the race statistically tied or even with Gardner up, some Democrats are urging Udall to find a new refrain against his opponent, lest Republicans claim the seat in November. …

“UdallÂ’s main line of attack on the GOP congressman has been his support for a federal ‘personhood’ measure, which would effectively ban abortion and restrict many forms of birth control.” So this is a fascinating thing here that the War on Women meme is failing. This is the second place that I’ve come across now where the whole War on Women thing is falling flat.

We had earlier news that polling data shows that Obama is losing women in droves even among single women. Married women tend to be Republican. It’s not guaranteed. But single women, the vast majority of them are almost always Democrat, but Obama’s having trouble. The left is losing them. I have no idea why. I mean, I would like to say the War on Women’s falling flat because it’s silly, because it’s stupid, because there isn’t one.

Do you realize how asinine it even is to say that an entire political party is conducting a War on Women? The fact that it was ever believed in the first place is what’s astounding to me. But it appears to be falling flat. There are some other things Gardner is doing to help this long. It’s not just that this is happening in a vacuum.

He’s also presenting a campaign of positives and general upbeat attitudes about the possibilities of America, if we get some different leadership. So it’s a bunch of things that are intertwined in it. But nevertheless, ladies and gentlemen, it is falling flat. This just means if it continues — if this War on Women meme continues to fall flat elsewhere — that the left is gonna have just one recourse, and that’s the race card.

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