RUSH: Two different national figures have weighed in on our pop culture and politics and sports leagues. One of them, the president of the United States. This is at the White House today. Obama hosted an event to launch the It’s On Us campaign. Do you know what that is, the It’s On Us campaign?
Well, it’s “a new public awareness and action campaign designed to prevent sexual assault taught at colleges and universities and to change the culture on our campuses and to better engage men in this effort.” So within a week of this subject blowing up in the NFL, the White House has an instantaneous plan — the It’s On Us campaign — to straighten this up. It’s On Us to engage men and to get them to shape up. It’s On Us to design programs to prevent sexual abuse at colleges and universities.
Here is a portion of what President Obama said.
OBAMA: Today we’re taking a step and joining with people across the country to change our culture and help prevent sexual assault from happening. ‘Cause that’s where prevention … (pause) Uhhh, that’s what prevention’s gonna require. We’ve gotta have a fundamental shift in our culture. As far as we’ve come, the fact is that from sports leagues to pop culture to politics, our society still does not sufficiently value women. We still don’t condemn sexual assault as loudly as we should. We make excuses. We look the other way.
RUSH: How can he say that? With this orgy of blame that is going on here, the amount of conversation taking place, the attention focused on sexual abuse against women just in the NFL, and he says, “The fact is, our society still does not sufficiently value women? We still don’t condemn sexual assault as loudly as we should?” In what world is the man living? That’s all that happens in the NFL media today is the condemnation of sexual assault.
I’m gonna reread this, and I think I’ve got something, and it’s gonna sound partisan to you, but I believe it. I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t. Here’s how he should have said it: “As far as we’ve come, the fact is that from sports leagues to pop culture to politics, our society still does not sufficiently value conservatives and Republicans.” You want to talk about a group that is constantly picked on and attacked and lied about?
From the IRS to Hollywood to movies, to books, to newspapers, you name it, American conservatives are routinely lied about, impugned, destroyed — lives and reputations. It’s a daily quest! “We still don’t condemn sexual assault as loudly as we should. We make excuses. We look…”? Who’s making excuses for sexual assault? Can somebody give me a name?
Did Barkley say something I don’t know about? Okay, well, who? Who? (I’m just kidding.) Who? Who is making excuses for it? (interruption) “Another straw man example.” Exactly right. “We make excuses. We look the other way.” Who is making excuses and looking the other way? And not to be left out, Hillary Rodham Clinton, also in Washington today. Democrat National Committee leadership forum. We have two sound bites.
HILLARY: We have fought for families, for moms and dads and kids and the values that hold us all together. So don’t let anybody dismiss what you’re doing here today as “women’s work.” Don’t let anybody send you back to the sidelines. We’re here, proud Democratic women and proud Democratic men, to stand up not just for ourselves, not just for women, but for all our people, for our families, our communities, and our country.
RUSH: Okay, now, obviously Democrats are all-in on the War on Women, but what the heck is the rest of that? (interruption) Well, I know it’s blather and you could be saying, “What did she say?” We have fought for families for moms and dads and kids and the values that hold, what they do nothing but break apart families. Democrat Party policies destroy the family unit. They replace the father with a welfare check.
This isn’t even arguable. “We’ve fought for families for moms and dads”? What? You mean families and moms and dads are hopeless, going through life, unless the Democrat Party’s out fighting for ’em? Doing what? Protecting them from those evil Koch brothers, that’s what, and from those evil conservatives on the radio! That’s another.
“We’re here proud Democrat men and women, stand up, not just for ourselves, not just for women, for all of our people.” Standing up? Who’s under siege, here? You guys have the power. You guys are in the White House, you guys have the Senate, you guys own the media. Who is under siege here? What are you standing up and protecting people from? See, this is the Limbaugh Theorem being adopted by Hillary.
She’s been in power in one way or another since the early-nineties and it’s as though she’s had nothing, she’s an innocent bystander, she’s a spectator, she’s way over at the sideline, she’s look at what goes on, she’s outraged by it and it’s time we all got involved to fix it — except she’s been intimately involved in every decision that’s gone wrong for the past 20 the years. Here’s the next bite.
HILLARY: Look at violence against women. Twenty years ago this week, my husband signed the Violence Against Women Act.
RUSH: (groaning)
HILLARY: It was a great victory, thanks to years of hard work from leaders like Vice President Biden. But celebration of this anniversary was tempered by troubling news on many fronts, from the outrages of the NFL, to more assaults against women in uniform and at college.
RUSH: War on Women. They’re not going to abandon it. They’re gonna ride it for all that it’s worth. I mean, seriously, to brag about her husband’s record on women’s rights? Ha! Ha-ha!