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RUSH: You got the Washington Redskins taking the field last night in a preseason game against the Cleveland Browns with their arms up as though they’re being held up. They’re running out of the tunnel onto the field with their arms raised in solidarity with the gentle giant. Their arms are up, “Stop! Don’t shoot!” They caught up with one of the Redskins players, Ryan Clark, free safety from the Steelers the last four years. This is on the radio, and this is Ryan Clark explaining how important it was — I mean, now, take a moment to remember what’s going on in Washington.

Tony Dungy and Phil Simms have announced they’re not gonna say the word “Redskins” this season on the air. You didn’t hear that? Oh, you didn’t hear that? Tony Dungy and Phil Simms have said they’re not gonna say the word Redskins. Jim Nantz says he’s gonna say the word Redskins ’cause he doesn’t get caught up in causes. It’s not his job, not his business. So in Washington they’re trying to (pick a word) the owner of the Redskins and get his mind right because he won’t change the name from Redskins. In fact, the fans last night sang as loud as they could, “Hail to the REDSKINS!” when the team came out. But the team came out with raised arms in solidarity with Michael Brown. Here’s what Ryan Clark said.

CLARK: That could have been any one of us. That could have been any one of our brothers, our cousins. They came to me and said is this something I want to do, I was like, “Absolutely,” and everybody was in it. Everybody was together. When you get the opportunity to make a statement and be more than a football player, it’s good.

RUSH: Right. When you get the opportunity to make a statement and be more than a football player, it’s good, which is one of the problems in sports. The fans want you to be a player. The fans don’t go to the stadium to be preached to politically, but that all ended with pink October in the NFL.


RUSH: Here’s the story from CBS Washington on the Redskins players, and it’s the second paragraph here that I want to note to you. Well, here’s the first paragraph, too.

“From nearly 1,000 miles away, several Redskins players used the Monday Night Football stage to draw attention to the situation that has been unfolding in Ferguson, Missouri by running onto FedExField with their hands up in the air.”

Now, what every liberal in the country is probably saying to themselves after seeing this is, “Hey, if the Washington team really wanted to honor Michael (Gentle Giant) Brown, they would change their name. What is this hands-up stuff? Do something!”

But here, listen to this paragraph. This is a CBS News story in Washington. “Ferguson is where unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot and killed by a white police officer on Aug. 9. Witnesses have said he was not aggressive toward the officer and had his hands raised above his head at the time. As a result, the words ‘hands up, donÂ’t shoot’ have become a rallying cry of protesters, both in Ferguson and online.”

That’s a stunning paragraph. That is simply so biased, and it’s based on myth once again. It’s just incredible. You can see them setting the table here. You can see it. They’re gonna do everything they can to get the outcome they want. It doesn’t matter what really happened, because what really happened is going to be determined by what whoever wants to have happened. That’s the politics of it, and they’re going to try to convince as many people before the facts are known, what happened, so that the facts, if they contradict the narrative, are not believed.

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