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RUSH: Grab audio sound bite number 24 this afternoon on the House floor. You’ve gotta hear this during One-Minute Speeches. Members of the House get to go to the well of the House and pontificate for a minute. Nobody has to listen. There is nothing official attached to it and nothing to do with legislation, per se. They can just go mouth off.

Today, Representative Frederica Wilson (Democrat-Florida) went to the well of the House during one-minute speeches to speak about the Nigerian girls kidnapped by Boko Haram.

WILSON: (shouting) Three months without our girls means that the time is now to keep pressure on the Nigerian government! We must tweet with the fervent expression that extends beyond the glamour of a breaking news story. We cannot slow down. We cannot lose momentum. We cannot rest until our girls at home. Every morning between nine and 12, tweet #BringBackOurGirls with the hashtag: #BringBackOurGirls. #BringBackOurGirls. #JoinRepWilson. #JoinRepWilson. Hashtag! Tweet! Tweet! Tweet! Keep tweeting until we bring back our girls.

RUSH: And there you have it, what passes as representation of the American people in the House of Representatives. The hashtag #BringBackOurGirls is demonstrated to be a dismal failure in terms of bringing back our girls, but… (interruption) That’s what I’m saying. Just wait until Abu Ahmed, whatever his name is of Boko Haram hears this. Can you imagine how scared, can you imagine how frightened this guy’s gonna be?

“Oh, no! Oh, no! Did you see that, brothers? They are ratcheting up the tweets! They are going hashtag crazy over in America on the #BringBackOurGirls. We better find a new hiding place.” Just incredible. But of course you see, ladies and gentlemen, she cares and just social media uniting everybody around a common cause based and rooted in humanity. It’s a beautiful thing.


RUSH: Anyway, we gotta go back, gotta revisit this sound bite frequently, folks. This is Florida. Democrat congresswoman Frederica Wilson on the floor of the House today during one-minute speeches. (replaying of sound bite) Now, this obviously has the leaders of Boko Haram quaking in their sandals. In fact, we have the Boko Haram reaction to this actually…

SHEKAU: “Bring Back Our Girls.” Ooooh! Bring back our army. Bring back our army. Jonathan! Jonathan! Girl, girl, girl, girl, girl kristahn! (ph) Bring back our Army!

RUSH: So the Boko Haram guy’s not exactly intimidated here by Florida congresswoman Frederica Wilson.

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