VA Mess is Result of the Left’s Hatred for the Military Culture

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 9,2014

RUSH: The VA is a mess, and here’s this from CBS St. Louis.

“Managers of the VA Medical Center in Kansas City confirm they kept a secret waiting list of veterans who needed care. The admission comes after Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Missouri, revealed the existence of a list of 37 heart patients who were not entered into the VA’s appointment system but kept in a secret file.”

Again, sad to say, we can trace all of this back to this administration having literally no way of relating to or understanding military culture. I mean, let’s face it. The American left has looked at the American military as a problem. The American military has been the focus of evil. If you’re part of the blame-America-first crowd, if this country’s guilty, if this country has become what it has become because it has stolen everything — and, believe me, that is precisely what is taught. What is taught to young kids in this country today is that this nation’s wealth is the result of theft from other nations and other peoples of the world.

Now, what do you need to pull that off? You need an imperialistic military. And so if you are inclined to think this country is unjust and immoral and has become a superpower on the basis of crimes committed, such as theft, then you also have to be very upset at the people who made it possible, i.e., those who project power. That would be the military. John Kerry, throwing the medals, Vietnam, it runs throughout this party. Blame America first, blame the military. They don’t appreciate the traditions. They don’t understand or relate to the military culture. The reaction to the Bergdahl thing proves that.

I’ve had a number of people tell me that Obama really thought he was gonna get lots of praise, tons and tons of cheers and praise for getting an American prisoner of war back. And the story is that the Regime was literally honestly blindsided by the public reaction to it. Now, if that’s true, how can that be? Well, there isn’t anybody in this administration aside the Joint Chiefs who have worn the uniform. There isn’t anybody in this administration who has an overawed respect for people who wear the uniform. In fact, it’s just the opposite.

So the VA languishes and this kind of prisoner swap takes place and closing Gitmo is looked at as a positive for US foreign policy. The only way replenishing the enemy with its combatants is considered a positive is if you believe we somehow are to blame for why they do what they do. And there’s no question that this Regime does indeed harbor precisely those feelings.

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