RUSH: I satisfied the requirement, satisfied the demand of the staff to play some sound bites of me on Greta. She also asked me about winning the Author of the Year, Children’s Choice Book Awards. I talked about that and, you know, how meaningful that was. You heard me describe the event the day after, and talk about these books. They’re just so much fun. They’re interactive, time-travel adventures.
Rush Revere has a talking horse that can travel anywhere in American history, and takes the reader right to the seminal events in American history as they are happening. These are not lectures, recitations of facts and figures. These are exciting time-travel stories written for the 10-to-13 age group. But, as I am learning, all ages are enjoying the Adventures of Rush Revere series.
So we’ve got two books in the top five now on the children’s New York Times list. Rush Revere and the First Patriots is at number three, and Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims is at number five. And that’s been on the list for approaching eight months now. Two books in the Top Five of that list, that’s gratifying.