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RUSH: I knew this was gonna take a while for that to get picked up. They’re just now focusing on that at CNN.

They’ve been playing Sterling excerpts of an interview with Anderson Cooper all day because it runs in its entirety tonight. They’re gonna interrupt coverage of the Malaysian jet for their full-fledged interview with Donald Sterling. In this interview he said, “I don’t think Magic’s a good example for the children of LA.”

I knew it was gonna take a while for that to be absorbed because those are fighting words, and Sterling was saying (summarized), “I don’t talk like that. I was baited. I didn’t mean to say that. That’s not who I am! I was just trying to sweet talk this babe. She was frustrating me. I wanted sex. That’s all it was, and I was baited into saying those things. I’m not a racist! I don’t really mean that stuff.”

His wife was over with Barbara Walters. (paraphrased) “No, he’s just… You know, I was sickened when I heard him say it, but he’s in early onset of dementia. He doesn’t know what he’s saying, and I want the team.” That’s gonna really gum up the works because if she wants the team and he bequeaths it to her, or if he dies or just hands it over beforehand, she hasn’t said any of this racial stuff.

Oh, big, big mess.

So Sterling steps in it again by ripping into Magic. I told you. You know, everybody pooh-poohed this, and a bunch of left-wing media people wrote stories about my mad-hatted conspiracy theory. But this babe was running around with Magic, this V. Stiviano, and she’s running around with Dodgers players.

And it was with pictures of Magic that Sterling went bongo. “What are you doing?!” Sterling knows that Magic’s had designs on his team, and he’s probably paranoid and so forth. Now Magic’s not a good example for the children of LA? That’s like saying Oprah’s not a good role model for women. That’s just not gonna fly.


RUSH: We got Sterling ripping into Magic here. We have two excerpts of Sterling with his interview Cooper 22, and this is the first one.

STERLING: I’m apologizing, and I’m asking for forgiveness. Am I entitled to one mistake after 35 years? I mean, I love my league. I love my partners. Am I entitled to one mistake? It’s a terrible mistake, and I’ll never do it again.

ANDERSON: Why wait so long to apologize? It’s been a couple of weeks.

STERLING: I’m so emotionally distraught, and the reason it’s hard for me — very hard for me — is that I’m wrong. I caused the problem. I don’t know how to correct it.

RUSH: He sounds on the verge of tears there, doesn’t he? It sounds like he wants to cry and can’t. It sounds like he wishes he’d start crying and just can’t pull it off. Anyway, Anderson Cooper says, “There are a couple of phone recordings just in the last week or two that have come out of people who talk to you on the phone seem to be your voice who sold it to Radar Online and TMZ? Do you have anyone you trust?”

STERLING: I don’t give interviews. The only one that I know that I talk to is Magic Johnson.

ANDERSON: You have talked to him?


ANDERSON: Did you apologize to him?

STERLING: He knew the girl, he said, he knew the girl well.

ANDERSON: Did you apologize to him or —

STERLING: Well, if I said anything wrong, I’m sorry. He’s a good person and he — what am I gonna say? Has he done everything he can do to help minorities? I don’t think so. But I’ll say it, I’ll say it, you know, he’s great. But I just don’t think he is a good example for the children of Los Angeles.

RUSH: There you have it. Is that not convoluted or what? He knew the girl, he knew the girl. “Did you apologize?” (imitating Sterling) “Well, if I said anything wrong, I’m sorry. He’s a good person. And what am I gonna say? Has he done everything he can to help minorities? I don’t think so. I’ll say it. I’ll say it, you know, he’s great. But I just don’t think he’s a good example for the children of Los Angeles.”

Phew. Okay. Stepping in it, Phase II defined.

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