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RUSH: Timothy Geithner says the White House wanted him to lie on a Sunday show. It’s in his new book. Not surprising. But I guarantee you there are gonna be a lot of people who are gonna be shocked at this. “What do you mean Obama would have him lie?” Well, ever heard of Susan Rice? … Timothy Geithner, Little Timmy — who, by the way, is the Treasury secretary who didn’t pay his taxes for a while.

He was the chairman of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. He’s Yale or Harvard, one of the Ivy League schools, with all kinds of degrees in money things, and he claimed that he didn’t understand TurboTax. He wanted to pay his taxes, but for three years and it just… You know, it just didn’t happen. “Oh, it’s okay! He can still be secretary of the Treasury, ’cause he wanted to pay his taxes. He just made an honest mistake.”

That Timothy Geithner. He says the White House wanted him to lie in scheduled appearances on the Sunday TV talk shows. Here’s what he says in his new memoir that absolutely nobody will care about: “‘I remember during one Roosevelt Room prep session before I appeared on the Sunday shows, I objected when Dan Pfeiffer wanted me to say Social Security didn’t contribute to the deficit.'”

It did contribute and it does contribute to the deficit, but the Regime wanted him to say that it didn’t. “It wasn’t a main driver of our future deficits, but it did contribute. Pfeiffer said the line was a “dog whistle” to the left, a phrase I had never heard before,’ Geithner reveals in his new memoir, ‘Stress Test.’ ‘He had to explain that the phrase was code to the Democratic base, signaling that we intended to protect Social Security,’ he added.”

So what he’s saying here is he had to go on the Sunday shows and lie and say that Social Security did not have anything to do with the deficit. They had to send a “dog whistle” to the left. They had to send a coded message — don’t worry, we are not going to be touching your Social Security — and that’s how they wanted Geithner to send the message. Because Dan Pfeiffer thought that the Democrat base knew enough to understand that it wouldn’t be touched if it had no impact on the deficit.

Of course, Geithner would not be the only official from the Regime to have misled the American people. Susan Rice and practically everybody else from this Regime has done the same thing. It’s studied. It’s exactly what Victor Davis Hanson’s talking about in his piece today at National Review Online, which is… (interruption) That’s what I’m asking! How do you lie and say…?

He just went out there and lied, he writes about it, and it’s no big deal, ’cause he knows there are not gonna be any consequences. There weren’t any consequences then, and there aren’t gonna be any consequences now.

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