RUSH: From the AP: “US Teachers are Not Nearly as Diverse as Their Students — Almost half the students attending public schools are minorities, yet fewer than one in five of their teachers is nonwhite.
“The new studies, from the Center for American Progress and the National Education Association (NEA), seek to call attention to this ‘diversity gap’ at elementary and secondary schools in the US.” Wow, what unbiased groups do this? A Democrat front group and a union. It’s one of the Democrat Party’s heaviest donors pushing for racial quotas for teachers now.
From the article: “It becomes easier for students to believe ‘when they can look and see someone who looks just like them, that they can relate to,’ said … a member of the NEA’s executive committee.” It’s a great idea, and while we’re at it, let’s go back to segregated schools as well as all-boys and all-girls schools, why don’t we? If that’s what they’re saying.
If only blacks can learn from other blacks, and if only women can learn from other women, only men can learn from male teachers, only whites can learn from whites, then why do we…? Let’s just segregate. Let’s just go back to the way it was. Let’s just go segregate people like we did back before the Civil Rights Act. That’s what they’re saying here. It’s just incredible.
RUSH: Oh, by the way, let me predict something. In the last segment I said something that I guarantee you they are now fitfully working their fingers on the keyboards as fast as they can on the left. I said in this story… Let me read it to you again. “The new studies, from the Center for American Progress and the National Education Association (NEA), seek to call attention to this ‘diversity gap’ at elementary and secondary schools in the US.”
I read from the article: “It becomes easier for students to believe ‘when they can look and see someone who looks just like them, that they can relate to’, said … a member of the NEA’s executive committee.” Okay, so what we are hearing here is that blacks should teach blacks, whites should teach whites, females should teach girls, males should teach boys. So segregation seems to be the solution to these lack-of-diversity problems.
And then I said, “Well, let’s just take it back to the way it was,” and that little line will be taken out of context all over leftist websites late this afternoon, tonight, and tomorrow. You wait.
“Let’s just take it back to the way it was.” They’ll leave it all out of context.