African Caller Discovered Rush, Got Hooked

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 20,2014

RUSH: Sam in Memphis. It’s great to have you on the program, sir. You’re up first today. Hello.

CALLER: Hey, Rush how are you doing? It’s an honor to speak to you, sir.

RUSH: Thank you. I’m doing great.

CALLER: Yes, sir. I came to this country, and I heard about you on CNN about Operation Chaos in 2008 and I started listening to you, and since then I just fell in love with you.

RUSH: Is that right? You heard about me through CNN and Operation Chaos?

CALLER: Yes, sir.

RUSH: Did you know…? When they explained Operation Chaos, did it make sense to you? Did they explain it right?

CALLER: No they did not. I was just asking myself, “Who’s this Rush Limbaugh guy?” So I started listening to you, and you just made a lot of sense to me, ’cause, I mean, I’m coming from a country where our president has been in power for 20 years and I’m just scared what’s going on in this country, and my dad, he came —

RUSH: Where are you from? What African country you from?

CALLER: Chad. Very central Africa.

RUSH: Chad.


RUSH: Central Africa. Okay.

CALLER: Yes, sir. He came in 2009 for my graduation, and I told him, “Hey, you need to listen to this guy,” and he just loved you since then (chuckles) and I send him a lot. He listens to you every night, nine p.m. back home.

RUSH: No kidding?

CALLER: Yes, sir.

RUSH: No kidding.

CALLER: (laughing) He just asked me to send him see I suddenly so and Rush Revere and he’s reading both of them right now. So I just want to thank you, and I appreciate what you do.

RUSH: Do you think he’s listening right now?

CALLER: Yeah, he is, actually.

RUSH: What’s his name? What’s his first name?

CALLER: His first name is Ali. (chuckles)

RUSH: Well, let’s say hi to him!

CALLER: Ali, he’s listening right now. I don’t know if he’s connected on the phone but he’s really happy right now ’cause when I get off the phone with you he’s gonna call me.

RUSH: We’ve got listeners in Chad now. I tell you, the interesting thing is that you arrived here having heard about me, right? “Who is this Rush Limbaugh guy?” And then you heard CNN explain Operation Chaos.

CALLER: Yes, sir.

RUSH: You’ve been here ever since.

CALLER: Ever since. Yes. ‘Cause, I mean, what you say just make a lot of sense. You know, coming from a dictatorial country, I mean, I know what’s going on, and I just think you’re right on, man.

RUSH: You know, that’s a lot. You come here from a dictatorial country, and you probably have a really conscious, everyday appreciation for the differences in freedom here and there.

CALLER: Yes, sir. Exactly.

RUSH: And a lot of Americans, of course, never lived in Chad or under a dictatorship until now, and just take it for granted. But I’m really honored that you’re out there, Sam. Thanks very much for calling.

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