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RUSH: Say, folks, you may have heard over the course of the past couple weeks, three weeks, little kids have called here talking about Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims, and I’ve given them what we call Ted-Tea Bear. It’s a cute little bear. It’s on our Rush TwoIfByTea.com page, TwoIfByTea.com, and the adventures of Rush Revere portal. That’s where the Adventures of Rush Revere site is. It’s part of the TwoIfByTea.com.

Ted-Tea Bear is the cutest little bear dressed in a colonial outfit like me, like Rush Revere. It’s the greatest quality, got my signature on one paw, the American flag on the bottom of the other paw. It’s got a Tricorn hat and is just the cutest little thing. It would be ideal for a Valentine’s present, and I just wanted to throw the idea out there.

We have a special on it until Friday at 11:59 p.m. Pacific, $18.99, while supplies last. We don’t have a whole lot of them, but they’re great, and cute as they can be. I’ll have Koko put a picture of one up at RushLimbaugh.com so you can see, and to get it you just go to TwoIfByTea.com. It’s right there, the Rush Revere portal.

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