An 18-Year-Old EIB Lifer

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 29,2014

RUSH: Newport, Michigan, and Sarah. Great to have you on the program. Hi.


RUSH: How are you?

CALLER: I’m good. How are you?

RUSH: I’m never better. Never better.

CALLER: Well, I’m 18 years old, and I’ve been listening to your show, like, forever.

RUSH: You are 18?






RUSH: You sound like 25.

CALLER: Well —

RUSH: Maybe even 30. I’m talking attitudinally here, Sarah.

CALLER: Whoa. Thank you.

RUSH: Yeah, I’m not talking about your voice, although that’s probably in the mix, too. Eighteen? You sound so composed. You sound so confident. This is great.

CALLER: I’m excited.

RUSH: You sound relaxed, too. That’s great. Well, it’s great to have you here.

CALLER: Well, it’s great to be here. I’ve always wanted to call. Always. Anyways, I wanted to thank you because you speak the truth and not like all the other stupid news people.

RUSH: Well, I appreciate you thinking that.

CALLER: Yeah. Because, I don’t know. They drive me crazy.

RUSH: It drives a lot of people crazy. That’s what drove me crazy about last night.


RUSH: You know, I have a definite view of limited government, but I don’t want to be disconnected from it. I don’t want to feel estranged from it. I don’t like this ruling class, country class stuff, but it’s true, it exists.

CALLER: It does.

RUSH: That speech last night, it’s not just the speech, I really can’t recall — I’m 63; you’re 18 — I can’t recall a time where I’ve felt more distant, further away from the people leading the country than I do today, and I don’t like it.

CALLER: Yeah. I don’t like it, either.

RUSH: I don’t trust them. I don’t they care what we are interested in or want. I question whether or not they understand what’s best for the country versus what’s best for them. All these things go back and back and forth, and I don’t like even having the thoughts. But I’m flattered that you like the program.

CALLER: Well, yeah. I’ve been listening to it forever. My mom listens to it, my dad listens to it, my grandpa did.

RUSH: Sounds like you’re a lifer, then.

CALLER: I am. Definitely.

RUSH: Well, at 18, are you still in high school or are you out?

CALLER: I’m out.

RUSH: And what are your plans?

CALLER: Go to college.

RUSH: Any particular one?

CALLER: Community. Yeah.

RUSH: Well, have you found what your life’s dream is? Do you know what you want to do?

CALLER: No. I have not found what my life’s dream is.

RUSH: Well, you will. You will. And hang in, just be patient. It will reveal itself. When that happens, devote yourself to it.

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