Tell Good Day LA: We Didn’t Start the Fire, Some Freezing Homeless Guy Did It Jan 17, 2014RUSH: This was this morning in Los Angeles, KTTV, Fox Eyeball News, Good Day LA. Meteorologist...
Previewing the NFL Championship Games Jan 17, 2014RUSH: Now, the NFL playoffs. First up at three o’clock Eastern on Sunday afternoon, the New...
Kelly File on Christie, Springsteen and Me Jan 17, 2014RUSH: To the audio sound bites. You remember earlier this week we played for you a sound bite of...
Caller’s Comparative Analysis on Minimum Wage Jan 17, 2014RUSH: Robert in northern New Jersey, great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Yes. Good...
Tightwad Obamas Don’t Want to Pay for Dinner at Moochelle’s 50th Birthday Party Jan 17, 2014RUSH: Etiquette experts are confused, ladies and gentlemen. Right here it is in the Washington...
Socialized Medicine Makes You a Number Jan 17, 2014RUSH: New Bern, North Carolina, Donna. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Hello,...
Doctors, Nurses and Justifying Envy Jan 17, 2014RUSH: We have Jeannie on the phone from Houston. Hi, Jeannie. I’m glad you called.CALLER: Hey,...
AP: Mean, Partisan Republicans “Maintain an Election-Year Spotlight” on Obamacare Jan 17, 2014RUSH: Look at this. This is a story from the Associated Press. Just the headline: “House...
Obama’s NSA BS: As Our Liberties Shrink, the Flags Behind the Dictator Get Bigger Jan 17, 2014RUSH: Did you happen to see the size of those flags behind Obama at the National Security Agency...
You’re Listening to One of the Top 10 Most Influential Celebrities According to Forbes Jan 17, 2014RUSH: Hi, folks. How are you? You are listening to one of the top 10 most influential people in...