Carney Confirms President Gave His Wife Permission to Stay in Hawaii Jan 6, 2014RUSH: This is funny. Jay Carney at the White House got a question at the press briefing today from...
You Were Warned About Obamacare Jan 6, 2014RUSH: Lebanon, Ohio. This is Dave. Thank you, sir. Great to have you with us on the EIB...
How Many Trees Must We Plant to Compensate for the Stupidity of the Global Warming Cruisers Who Got Stuck in Ice? Jan 6, 2014RUSH: By the way, one more global warming story. Just one more. It’s about the Russian global...
A Teen Concussion Survivor Jan 6, 2014RUSH: Snerdley, have you seen this headline in the LA Times today? Tell me if you’ve seen this....
CNN’s Banfield Blows It on Winter Weather Jan 6, 2014RUSH: I want to go to the audio sound bites. This is this morning on CNN. This is Legal View with...
Obama Returns, Soap Opera Resumes Jan 6, 2014RUSH: Ah, yeah, you can just see it. The Drive-Bys are just ecstatic, so happy to have Obama back...
Frank Luntz is Depressed Jan 6, 2014RUSH: You know Frank Luntz, the pollster, Frank Luntz? There’s a story here at Mediaite. I just...
Did Concussion Rules Help Beat the Chiefs? Jan 6, 2014RUSH: NFL football over the weekend, 42 million people watched the Packers and the Fort’iners...
Left Creates “Polar Vortex” to Make You Think Winter is Caused by Global Warming Jan 6, 2014RUSH: So, ladies and gentlemen, we are having a record-breaking cold snap in many parts of the...