
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: Well, folks that’s it. Another amazing year here at the EIB Network. And, look, brevity is the soul of wit. I can spend all three hours thanking you. I could spend all three hours trying to express my gratitude, and I really don’t have to. It’s just very simple to say. My life is an adult Christmas every day, and it’s because of you. Were you not there, had you not stayed there, had you not hung in there, my life wouldn’t be what it is.

I’ll never be able to adequately thank you other than to tell you how important and how much you mean to me and my family and everybody that’s associated here with us at Two If By Tea, Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims, and the EIB Network. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. I hope you have a great, great Christmas season. See you back here as soon as we can in the beginning of the new year. Thank you so much.


RUSH: Thanks again, folks, and let me again wish all of you just the best Christmas season ever. And if not this year, next year, whenever, we’ll make it happen. See you then.

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