Will This Scandal Stick to Obama? Nov 14, 2013RUSH: Lodi, California, next. Hi, Dave. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: I...
Analysis of the Landrieu and Upton Bills Nov 14, 2013RUSH: I was trying to remember what Obama said during his press conference today when he said he...
Parents Petrified to Wait for Daughter’s Surgery Nov 14, 2013RUSH: Dawn, Chattanooga, Tennessee, hi. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Hey, Rush. This...
Bullied Republicans Must Insist on Repeal, Resist Pitfall of Becoming Part of Phony Fix Nov 14, 2013RUSH: I probably am gonna be talking about all of this today in a little different way than what...
Bill Clinton Was Right: It’s a Fairy Tale Nov 14, 2013RUSH: Remember what Bill Clinton said about the entire Obama presidency, about the entire Obama...
In September, Obama Mocked GOP for “Crazy” Obamacare Predictions — Now He’s Desperate to Save Himself in 2014 Nov 14, 2013RUSH: Let’s flashback, ladies and gentlemen, to two months ago, September 26th. I have an...
The Dictator, Joined in Progress Nov 14, 2013RUSH: The president’s addressing the nation, ladies and gentlemen, on how he’s gonna play dictator...