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RUSH: You know, folks, this is Veterans Day, and traditionally it’s been one of those holidays nobody told me about. One of those three-day weekends that we show up here and I find out everybody else is taking the day off but that I’m here and that the staff, somebody hid that from me ’cause, you know, I’m tunnel visioned in terms of work. Anyway, this is Veterans Day, and since I mentioned Two If By Tea, I want to take a moment once again to mention our association with the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation. I was there at a Rockville Centre, Long Island, home where the idea for the thing came together.

A bunch of ex-Marines, FBI agents, and executives decided to start this foundation, which would provide college scholarships for the children of Marines killed in action. And this was back in the mid-nineties sometime. So when we started the tea business we decided that we would sponsor MC-LEF because it’s close to our hearts as well.

And everybody’s purchase of the tea over the years has resulted in sizable donations to

MC-LEF. But since it’s Veterans Day and Marine Corps birthday is around this time of year anyway, I wanted to acknowledge our association with MC-LEF. They’re a great, great bunch of people. And, like I mentioned last week, it’s basically a pass-through. Nobody is making a living running this charity.

The amount of money that goes through, the only thing that gets expensed I think is postage, couple other things, some golf tournaments here and there, but I mean nobody is earning a living. There is no executive director making a six figure salary with an expense account or any of that. The money all goes to the recipients. Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation.

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