Amazing 13-Year-Old Lobbies Against Idiotic Jerry Brown Bathroom Legislation Nov 1, 2013RUSH: The Bay Area in California. Anastashia is with us. Great to have you. Hi.CALLER: Hi, Rush....
Was the System Really Broken if Most People Liked What They Had? Nov 1, 2013RUSH: Let’s go to Jay Carney. This is on CNN Today this morning. Chris Cuomo is talking to him. He...
Limbaugh Theorem Affirmed as the American People Find Out About Obama Nov 1, 2013RUSH: I mentioned earlier, folks, that there’s a website, They’re out there...
Where’s Your Dictator Now? Nov 1, 2013RUSH: Steve in San Jose, grate to have you on the program, sir.CALLER: Hey, Rush, what do you...
America’s Food Stamp Outrage is Not That We’re Giving Away $36 Less a Month Nov 1, 2013RUSH: USA Today: “Food stamp benefits will be cut…” Is that right? “Food...
Rush Revere Takes the Values of This Program to Young People Nov 1, 2013RUSH: Rush Revere and Liberty are being deluged with fan mail. Folks, I have to tell you, it is...
Richard Nixon Resigned Over a Lie Nowhere Near as Big as Obamacare Nov 1, 2013RUSH: The hell, you say. Now they tell us. Right there on Fox they got some Wall Street Journal...