Gary Bauer Takes Issue with Your Host?

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 14,2013

RUSH: Grab sound bite number 5. This is Friday, the Values Voters Summit. Gary Bauer spoke, and this is some of what he said.

BAUER: Rush Limbaugh said the other day that he felt we were living in a dying country. I love Rush but I would disagree to a certain extent. I believe we’re living in a country that’s being killed, not just dying. Whether it’s our culture, our values, our faith, our history, all are under attack from the radical left. Day by day, step by step, America as we have known it is being pulled out by its roots from the rich soil, the nurturing Earth of Judeo-Christian civilization.

RUSH: Look, I don’t want to take issue with him. I know exactly what he’s saying. It may be six and one-half dozen of the other. His point, it’s being done on purpose. His point, the left is actually attacking the traditions and institutions that have made the country great, and I believe in that. There’s no doubt. That’s not even arguable. But in Gary’s case, I mean, it’s frustrating to everybody because a majority of people don’t want this to be happening. I’m convinced a majority of people do not want this country killed, and they don’t want the country to die. The question is how many people really know that it’s happening? It’s something we’re not aware of.

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