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RUSH: Just 18 months ago — leading up to the 2012 presidential election — Barack Obama opposed gay marriage. Eighteen months ago, the homosexual community was very upset with Barack Obama for failing to come through on this issue, if you remember. Eighteen months ago and four years prior, many in the activist gay community on the left were very upset with Obama for not advancing their agenda, which happened to be gay marriage.

Just a year and a half ago, folks.

Just 18 months ago, the president of the United States opposed gay marriage. Now, 18 months later, we are told that the whole country supports gay marriage, and those who don’t are bigots. That was in the Supreme Court ruling today, that people who oppose gay marriage are bigots and want to deny and want to make fun of and want to impugn and demean homosexuals. Why do we even need a court, if it is going to behave like this? Why do we even need a Congress?

Any time we want something, why don’t we just go find the nearest judge and say, “Hey, Judge, I want to do this. What do you think?” Whatever the judge says is fine. It doesn’t have to be a member of the Supreme Court, just any judge. “Hey, Judge, I want to marry this or that. I want to marry three people.” Here’s how this all came down. For hundreds of thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years — whatever belief you have on the length of human history.

For all of it, for all of human history, marriage was that between a man and a woman. And everything was hunky-dory. Everything was fine. People who supported marriage weren’t bigots or racists or sexists. They just people that, you know, triumph of emotion over logic. They did it anyway. They got married over and over again. It’s all it was. There was no hatred associated with it. There was no, “Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah! I can do this and you can’t!”

There was no impugning people who didn’t get married, same sex or opposite sex. It didn’t matter. They just got married if they wanted to get married, and that’s just the way it was. They raised kids, had families, created a biological family tree, and that’s just the way it was. Everything was fine, hunky-dory for thousands of years. Then all of a sudden one day, homosexuals decided that it wasn’t fair that they couldn’t get married. So they began to agitate and stir things up.

They began to advocate for change in the law that would allow them to get married. They began to agitate and advocate for a change in the law that would say, “People of the same sex can get married.” So after tens of thousands or whatever number of years where everything was just fine and hunky-dory and marriage was undisputed, indisputable… Like, I don’t know of one person who ever got married who felt, “I can do this and you can’t! Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah!”

I’ve never known one person who, because they were getting married, rejoiced in the fact that other people couldn’t or didn’t. But all of a sudden that’s what we were told. All of a sudden, after tens of thousands of years, people who were left out of marriage because of the definition… I mean, marriage is that between a man and a woman. It has religious roots, biblical roots. It’s something that society has evolved over hundreds and thousands of years as the primary, best way to raise children, have families and so forth.

All of a sudden, that was deemed to be exclusionary, and the people who got married of the opposite sex, all of a sudden became these horrible things: Racists, bigots, you name it. So those who were agitating for the change and trying to upset tens of thousands of years of tradition become the virtuous ones, and the defenders of the tradition all of a sudden became bigots and homophobes and who knows whatever the hell else.

All because they simply chose to defend something.

There was not one attack on homosexuality in regards to this.

The attack came the other way, but yet look who the bigots are. The Supreme Court said so in its decision today. It’s remarkable. Scalia in his dissent said, “We might have let the people decide. But that the majority will not do. Some will rejoice in today’s decision, and some will despair at it; that is the nature of a controversy that matters so much to so many. But the Court has cheated both sides, robbing the winners of an honest victory, and the losers of the peace that comes from a fair defeat. We owed both of them better. I dissent.”

So stop and think about this: A year and a half ago, even the president of the United States opposes gay marriage. President Bill Clinton, a Democrat, signed DOMA into law. Now all of a sudden, after Obama changes his mind, the whole country supports gay marriage, and those who don’t are bigots. David Corn, who’s at Mother Jones now (he used to be with The Nation), just moments ago tweeted the following:

Quote, “Ten years ago today, Scalia wrote an angry dissent saying if sodomy laws were rejected it would lead to…gay marriage! Well, he was right,” close quote. That’s David Corn saying it with a smile. “Ten years ago today, Scalia wrote an angry dissent saying if sodomy laws were rejected it would lead to…gay marriage! Well, he was right.” Corn is chortling, gloating, but Scalia was right — and people said he was crazy 10 years ago. They mocked him for being an alarmist.

They told everybody he was a homophobe ten years ago. In his dissent, Scalia also points out the Supreme Court is not supposed to be greater than any of the other two branches of government. With the DOMA decision, the court has announced that they are superior to the Congress and to the executive. Again from his dissent, Scalia writes, “It is an assertion of judicial supremacy over the people’s Representatives in Congress and the Executive.

“It envisions a Supreme Court standing (or rather enthroned) at the apex of government, empowered to decide all constitutional questions, always and everywhere ‘primary’ in its role.” Well, this is another thing that many of us on the right have questioned. I can’t remember, I can’t count up all the times that every June we come here and we wait with bated breath for every Supreme Court decision. It wasn’t long ago, it wasn’t this way. This is absolute futility. This is literally ridiculous.

We have all been sucked in here that there are nine people who wear black robes who all of a sudden are the final arbiters of everything, and everybody just goes long with it (panting) and they wait with their tongues hanging out with bated breath and excitement for what’s coming down the pike. With each of these decisions from the court we have more and more usurpation of constitutional power — and, by the same token, we’ve got, sad to say, a Congress which seems willing to abrogate its power.

‘Cause they don’t want to make the controversial decisions. I remember when it came time to start closing military bases because of budget reasons. What did Congress do? Hell, they formed a bunch of “blue ribbon panels” of retired members of Congress and retired military people. They brought ’em out of retirement, they brought ’em into Washington, and they sat ’em in rooms. They put ’em in hotel suites. They paid them exorbitantly.

They decided which bases would remain open and they decided which bases would be closed, so that when the rubber hit the road, the member of Congress could tell his constituents, “It wasn’t me! I — I — I had nothing to do with it. We had a blue ribbon panel!” More and more controversial decisions were passed on to the court. It happened with McCain-Feingold, campaign finance reform. Neither a president nor a Congress wanted to deal with it.

“Ah, we’ll let the court figure it out! We’ll let the court be the final word,” and the court has willingly — especially the leftists on the court have willingly — accepted it. They’ve stepped in and said, “We’ll be happy to be the final authority!” This was not a matter of the court finding DOMA unconstitutional, by the way. Do you know that? That’s not what happened here. They didn’t really bother to do that. The court just decided that the decision was wrong and they’re gonna correct it.

Now, we’re told over and over and over again the court is supposed to go out of its way to not overturn decisions of the legislative branch. Like they didn’t with Obamacare, remember. John Roberts twisted himself into positions that were unrecognizable in order to avoid declaring Obamacare unconstitutional, which it clearly was. In this case, they couldn’t wait to strike out at DOMA because — and here’s the real reason for this ruling today. The five libs and Justice Kennedy, for some reason, just couldn’t wait to insult supporters of traditional marriage, and they took the occasion of this case to do it.

It wasn’t a judicial ruling.

It was pure politics coming out of the Supreme Court, which, by the way, is not unique, either. That’s been happening for quite a while.


RUSH: President Bill Clinton today, folks, released a statement, together with his wife Hillary Rodham Rodham, hailing the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act. Bill Clinton signed it into law. In 1996, the Defense of Marriage Act passed the House of Representatives 342 to 67. It passed the Senate 85 to 14. What a bunch of bigots! The Supreme Court majority today said that all of those 342 in the House and those 85 in the Senate passed the Defense of Marriage Act ’cause they hated gays.

And they wanted to punish gays, and they wanted to demean gays, and they wanted to impugn gays, and they wanted to impugn homosexuality. That’s why 342 members of the House passed DOMA, and that’s why 85 Senators voted for it. Bill Clinton signed it into law, and today Bill Clinton and his lovely and gracious wife, Hillary Rodham Rodham, issue a statement hailing the decision overturning the Defense of Marriage Act which he signed into law.

Clinton’s statement said, “By overturning the Defense of Marriage Act, the Court recognized that discrimination towards any group holds us all back in our efforts to form a more perfect union.” This is such bogus poppycock. A year and a half ago, President Obama was opposed to gay marriage. A year and a half ago, he was opposed to it. Now the whole country, we’re told, supports it, and those who don’t are bigots.


RUSH: Back to the phones we go to Longmont, Colorado. Hi, Scott. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Oh! Well hello, Rush. It’s so nice to talk to you.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: Dittos from Longmont, Colorado. I wanted to just quickly say that I was sharing with Bo that I still remember where I was when I first heard you in 1990. I was in officers school after my second year of law school up in Newport, Rhode Island, and turned you on in my Navy barracks and I said, “Who’s this guy Rush Limbaugh?”

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: That was, I think, right when Saddam was acting up.

RUSH: You know, I appreciate this. Everybody, everybody remembers where they were the first day, the first time they heard this show. We once did a whole show of nothing but callers recounting what they were doing and where they were when they first heard that show.

CALLER: And then that led to Gulf War Won, which I think involved you having make-out scenes with Morgan Fairchild or something like that, as I recall.

RUSH: Well, the character I was portraying in Gulf War Won, W-o-n, Gulf War Won.

CALLER: I’m sorry. I won’t spend any more time on that. Yes, I’m a lawyer out in Colorado. I was in the JAG Corps for a few years. I practiced out here a number of years, and I shared with Bo that I think people, as disappointed as they are when they looked this morning and saw what happened… What happened is — and you hit the nail right on the head — it’s much worse than just a ruling. This decision is not just about gay marriage.

If it was just about that, it would be bad enough. It’s where the court is taking a further step and — and Justice Scalia addressed it — where they are basically saying… That I know for myself, I’ll use from my own perspective. You know, I’m an orthodox Catholic. I believe that what the Church teaches is true, and that informs my decisions, and as an American citizen I like to think that my decisions as a citizen can be informed by my religious faith.

RUSH: Okay, wait. Let’s stop right there. You just admitted that you are a member of the military, former JAG Corps. You’re Catholic, a devout Catholic and a conservative, which means you’re racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe.

CALLER: Exactly. Well, I guess I know where I stand now, and that’s exactly right. You know, I got up this morning and I was talking to my wife and one of my daughters. Actually I was driving to work and my daughter works at my office and I said, “The thing that worries me about this is not whether they’ll saying that this Act is unconstitutional. It’s that I’m gonna be officially declared to be, to some extent, un-American effective today. You cannot be a loyal Catholic, an Orthodox Christian or actually…”

RUSH: You can’t be a constitutionalist. You can’t be a defender of the founding. The Supreme Court — which was what Scalia’s point was today, and that’s what Scott’s talking about here today, folks. The Supreme Court in its DOMA decision stigmatized opponents of gay marriage and basically… I’m gonna say this in the most easily understood way. I like to take the complex and make it understandable.

What the Supreme Court majority said today essentially was, “We’re gonna find that DOMA was bad because we don’t like the people who are for it. We don’t care about the law. We don’t care what happened legislatively. We just don’t like the people because we think the people who support DOMA hate gays and they don’t like gay marriage and they make fun of gay people and they stigmatize gay people and we want to stick it to ’em. So here’s your DOMA, and put it where the sun don’t shine.”

That’s the essence of the Supreme Court’s decision today. It had nothing to do with whether or not it’s constitutional, nothing to do with whether it was anything legislatively correct, whether or not the people’s elected representatives have the right to make and enforce law in this country. We had the majority, five justices, who basically said, “We know you people hate gays and so we’re gonna just ram this right back down your throat. Here, how does it taste?”

They, the majority in this decision, used character assassination as a means of deciding this case, not the law. That’s what Scott means here. He’s a lawyer. He read the decision. He’s now been stigmatized. Conservatives and people of faith, traditionalists and constitutionalists have been stigmatized as bigots and haters and elitists. They’re people who want to exclude people from the good times or from happiness or what have you. Anyway, Scott, I appreciate the call.


RUSH: Here’s Barack Obama. We have a montage here of President Obama back in 2004 on Channel 11 in Chicago, August 17th of 2008 with the pastor Rick Warren, November of 2007 with I don’t know who (I guess it’s still Rick Warren), October 26, 2004, and December 22, 2000. We have how many different bites? We got one … two … three … four … five — five different occasions of Barack Obama speaking when he was a bigot, when he opposed gay marriage. This is back when he was a bigot, just year and a half ago…

OBAMA 2004: (haltingly) What I believe in my faith is that a (coughing) man and a woman, uh, when they get married, uh, are performing something before God and it’s not simply the two persons who are meeting.

OBAMA 2008: (echo) I believe that marriage, duhh, is the union between a man and a woman. I am not somebody who’s (sic) promotes same sex marriage.

OBAMA 2007: (mic hum) I am not in favor of gay marriage. I’m in favor of civil unions.

OBAMA 2004: What I believe is th– is — is that marriage is between a man and a woman.

OBAMA 2010: You know my feelings about this are constantly, eh, evolving. I struggle with this.

RUSH: And then Biden went out and said, “We are for gay marriage,” and that forced Obama’s hand, and that was in 2012, just last year. Yeah, a little over a year ago. It was. (interruption) “That’s just Joe!” Right. Anyway, there’s five different examples of the bigot Barack Obama, opposed to gay marriage — unequivocally, by the way. I mean, there wasn’t any doubt there. There wasn’t any, “You know what? Maybe.”

Well, other than the last bite, where he said he was “evolving” on this, and that’s because the gays were withholding campaign donations. And they were. Look, I’m not doing anything other than telling you what was going on. Militant gay activists were threatening and were withholding significant fundraising efforts and bundling and all that, and that is when Obama began to “evolve.” That, my friends, is the way of Washington.

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