Just Say No to Democrat Initiatives Jun 19, 2013RUSH: Here’s Mark passing through the Little Bighorn. Great to have you on the program. Hi.CALLER:...
New Jersey Approves Tuition Break for Undocumented Democrats Jun 19, 2013RUSH: This is an AP story: “New Jersey lawmakers approved a bill Monday that would allow...
A Massive New Two If By Tea Sweepstakes! Jun 19, 2013RUSH: You may have heard me mention that Kathryn and I took a vacation recently, and as part of...
Will Becoming the Face of the Gang of Eight Sink Marco Rubio? Jun 19, 2013RUSH: We’ll start in Lillington, North Carolina, and Mike, welcome, sir. Great to have you...
Obama Falls Flat in Berlin Jun 19, 2013RUSH: I’ll get to Obama and Germany. There were two things he did in Germany. He had a press...
Interview: Senator Cruz on the Amnesty Bill Jun 19, 2013RUSH: We’d like to welcome to the program for the first time, freshman Senator from Texas, Ted...
The Gang of Eight Bill is a Replay of the Obamacare Disaster Jun 19, 2013RUSH: As a number of people want to weigh in now on the Gang of Eight immigration bill. The CBO...
Vince Flynn was a Man’s Man Jun 19, 2013RUSH: Hello, folks, and welcome to the Rush Limbaugh program here on the Excellence in...